Loco Pics

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Pictures of steam locos
Went to South Devon Railway on Saturday. Herewith some pics.No. 3205 at Totnes.

6412 taking on water at Buckfastleigh.

Class 25 at Buckfastleigh

General view of run in to Buckfastleigh Station

That's it for now.
Last edit: by 60019Bittern

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More after Easter providing on the weather.
Last edit: by 60019Bittern

The stone bridge in the foreground of Buckfastleigh Station, is that over a canal or is it for pedestrian/road traffic ??
Cheers, Gary.

Full Member
Keep those magnificent photos coming - they are really appreciated by those of us that are halfway around the world and would love to be able to see the in locos in person.

Inactive Member
Gary: The bridge is over a stream that runs through the site entering the River Dart on the other side of the site. The drop to the water is considerable and almost like a deep stone cutting. Am over there tomorrow so will take a couple of pics of it for you.
The Easter offerings at the railway are
Steam: L92 LT Pannier Tank & 3205 (again).
Diesel: Class 37 and Class 25
Also on offer vintage buses, lorries, cars and motor bikes. Goods and passenger workings.
Till Sunday.

Site staff

Hope the weather improves for Sunday, it's 'orrible here today.

Inactive Member

Inactive Member
No. 3205 at Buckfastleigh.

No. 3205 moving onto its train in readiness to depart to Totnes.

No. 3205 near Staverton.

Dumbleton Hall at Buckfastleigh still awaiting overhaul. Rumour has it that it might start this year.

Class 37 No. 6737 at Buckfastleigh.

No. L92 & No. 3205 passing at Buckfastleigh. L92 is bringing in the train that 3205 will take back to Totnes.

London Transport Pannier Tank No. L92 at Buckfastleigh.

L92 coming into Staverton en-route to Totnes.

L92 running round its train at Totnes

L92 awaiting the road at Totnes for return to Buckfastleigh.

L92 leaves Totnes for Buckfastleigh

Will put the buses etc up tomorrow.

Cheers, Gary.
Guest user
All great shots as usual. The Pannier is looking great but I must confess that the 37 gets my vote of approval. It looks absolutely minted.
Thanks for sharing these fantastic shots. Looks like a great day out.

Inactive Member
Gary, I did take some shots of that little bridge and in fact it is two in close succession. The one under the Railway over the stream and the other was a road which lead down to a Paper Mill (now long since gone). Will post some of them as well.

Inactive Member
Class 150 No. 150128 passing Class 66 No. 66164 on a China Clay run out of Devon.


Site staff

PS: Sure I'm turning to the dark side, I keep getting more and more interested in diesels :)

Inactive Member
Some of the earlier ones were really interesting, albeit in my spotting days many many moons ago, it was the curiosity feature.
Nowadays they are a bit of a much-ness, but eh, they work most of the time.

Inactive Member
No. 3205 running round its train ready for journey to Buckfastleigh.

At Buckfastleigh running round for journey to Totnes

In the woods at Staverton

At Totnes with the last train of the day back to Buckfastleigh.

Sorry nothing really new. Not much happening with Steam Specials at the moment. There is supposed to be the Great Britain VIII on Tuesday next week, we will have to wait and see.

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Class 43 No. 43144 in Building a Greater West livery of FGW.


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Inactive Member
No. 67005 Queen's Messenger.

No. 67026 Diamond Jubillee.

That's all till Tuesday & Wednesday folks.
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