Your Model Railway Village
(In Topic #9134)

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New multipart magazine
Hi AllJust picked up two copies of "Your Model Railway Village" magazine by hachette Partworks Ltd.
Mounted on the front cover is a MK 1 coach, in Maroon lined but no lettering. At £3.99 I thought it was worth a punt.

Sorry if this appears twice, but I tried earlier to post, and it didnt appear.
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Not a dikie bird. The package only had made in China, and the importers name - Hachette Partworks Ltd.
It couples up quite close, and the couplings extend as the bogie is rotated.
The underframe is solid between the trusses.
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Cheers MIKE
I'm like my avatar - a local ruin!
I'm like my avatar - a local ruin!
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It opens up all possibilities for other, rather obscure part-works: how about 'Your Bicycle Chain'. You get a link every week and after 48 weeks you end up with a bicycle chain, which has only cost you £240.
how about 'Your CD Rack'? Collect one tier every week. After five years you have a four-feet tall wire CD rack, costing only £5,000!
Any other ideas chaps?
Last edit: by col.stephens

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Cheers MIKE
I'm like my avatar - a local ruin!
I'm like my avatar - a local ruin!

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£25.29 from Hattons, can you spot what the defects are on the coach you have when compared to this coach (minus the factory weathering)
Last edit: by new04db

Full Member
Usual after the first four issues they no longer stock the magazine at newsagents and only those who have subscribed to the magazine will continue to receive, which is to stop people picking and choosing which copies of the magazine they purchase, which is unfortunate, but if the company didn't do this, everyone would buy the issue that comes with the Jinty loco for £8.99 and they would make a massive loss.May be worth while doing a bit of selective buying if that's possible, some items like the coach might be value for money, subsequent issues a bit of wait and see,…..

Site staff

So, what exactly is Your Model Railway Village about? Are they going to give you a different building each week, so it eventually ends up costing more than a real village? Seems a rather strange topic for a part-work.
It opens up all possibilities for other, rather obscure part-works: how about 'Your Bicycle Chain'. You get a link every week and after 48 weeks you end up with a bicycle chain, which has only cost you £240.
how about 'Your CD Rack'? Collect one tier every week. After five years you have a four-feet tall wire CD rack, costing only £5,000!
Any other ideas chaps?
And i thought i was a cynic.

Born beside the mighty GWR.
Born beside the mighty GWR.

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The publisher will get the very good news that issue 1 has sold out at a record pace (some people bought several issues for the coaches). Unless he reads the forums, he will not realise that this is where it could stop.

Last edit: by Brossard

Full Member
I wonder if they are Hornby Rejects then? :hmmThere's a thread on RMWeb about this. Some contributors consider the coach to be a bargain. Comparison with the Bachmann Mk 1 shows there are differences such as molded roof pipes and plain gangway. Also slight moulding differences. No-one has figured out the manufacturer - there was speculation about an enterprising Chinese business person knocking someone's off.
The publisher will get the very good news that issue 1 has sold out at a record pace (some people bought several issues for the coaches). Unless he reads the forums, he will not realise that this is where it could stop.
Last edit: by new04db

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Last edit: by Brossard

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I have no real intention of buying any more issues - but may be tempted for another coach ;-), but thought £3.99 for a coach wasn't a bad deal.

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I dont think Hornby or Bachmahn will be too worried, as requestred hears some pics.

The last one is probably it achilees heel - looks like a job for the dremel.
Overall length approx 255mm, over the buffers 265mm

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'You may share the labours of the great, but you will not share the spoil…' Aesop's Fables
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" - Benjamin Franklin
In the land of the slap-dash and implausible, mediocrity is king
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" - Benjamin Franklin
In the land of the slap-dash and implausible, mediocrity is king

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Still, for the brave and enterprising, these could be the basis for upgrade. Repaint, reline, replace underframe bits with those from Comet. Replace moulded pipes with wire etc. Of course, by the time you're done you've spent more than the cost of the Bachmann Mk 1 and put in several hours of work.
Nothing like being able to say: "I did that.";-)
Last edit: by Brossard

Full Member
Knowing my luck though it will look worse than a bachmann coach as well………Nothing like being able to say: "I did that.";-)


Cheers, Gary.

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