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Has anyone done a comparison between the available models
Aaron,Thanks for the addition. Im still mulling things over myself at the moment. I'll have to atleasthave an idea formed before long as the layout will be commencing soon.
I plan to go at it in three if not four phases and phase one which includes the main shed area will also incorporate the turntable. My decision would be very easy indeed if the Metalsmiths product had been released but this is looking less and less likely. They can't give an accurate release date.
The Cowans and Sheldon model that they will be doing would make an excellent topic for discussion on any layout. It is amazing.
I don't think that I can get away with the 60 foot version that is available as I will be operating my A4's on it and they would be too long. Not only that but the 70 foot version has the compressed air storage tanks that were use to operate the turntable for " dead " loco's ( not under steam ) which I believe the Haymarket prototype had.
I may have to have a look at the proposed " cut out " dimensions for the above and use one of the others as a substitute until the Metalsmiths version is on the market.
However, thanks again for remembering the thread and If you find anymore ………….you know where I am.
Cheers for now

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Born beside the mighty GWR.
Born beside the mighty GWR.
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Yes I probably will. There will be no shortage of things to keep me busy for a while. It just would have been ideal to have the unit when I was doing the initial build on the baseboards as it would have allowed the cut outs to have been done " off set " if you know what I mean. Also may have helped determine the position of cross members,electrical routes………it goes on and on.
It will not hold me back in any way, just need better planning that's all.
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I would be all for that, the only thing is the time it would take to have one produced from lobbying ……….through to seeing them on the shelves so to speak. But you are right, if you don't start somewhere then it maybe a whole lot longer before anyone takes up the requirement.
There are probably so many other items that would sell in volume should they be available. I'm thinking immediately of " pit head gear windings " and other industrial related models. I think the manufacturers are missing a trick in a time wherein also sure that they are all crying wolf with regards to their sales levels.
Their problem is, they don't listen to what we want and keep producing the same old stuff which there is less of a demand for now. It's time they woke up and smelt the coffee.
Meanwhile………lobby away.
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I've just joined the cause and emailed Bachmann with some suggestions, comments etc. it will be interesting to see if there is any reply worth noting.
Cheers for now.
Guest user
Still no date given as yet. Also Metalsmiths ( for the time being ) only provide their turntables in kit format. They no longer have the facility to provide them as " built ". They informed me of this yesterday after I was half way through placing an order for the 65 ft GWR turntable with the various accessories.
I had to pull out of the purchase as my soldering skills come nowhere near the standard required for one of these bad boys.
It's now a Heljan DCC ready version for the time being.I will still be watching for the 70 ft C & S version coming out though, especially once they have sourced another builder which they are looking for.
That's it for now.

Site staff

Born beside the mighty GWR.
Born beside the mighty GWR.
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The difference is night and day. The detailing on the Metalsmiths turntable is out of this world. The " awaited " 70ft Cowans and Sheldon version had pressure storage tanks as per the prototype ( which was actually the version as installed at Haymarket Edinburgh ) which aided in powering the turntable when dead engines were being turned.
Check them out at Metalsmiths. They are a must see. I have not mastered the knack of attaching links as yet otherwise I would have, but the site comes up quite easily under Metalsmiths.
Cheers for now
Inactive Member
Thats annoying regarding metalsmiths build policy change.
I have been following their site for years Hoping for a 50 foot version pre grouping job.
Oh well seems the old soldering iron will have to be used.
I have an Atlas HO TT in a box which I am planning on kit bashing useing card and perhaps balsa to disguise its origins. Of course a bridge will have to be fabricated and a well produced. The tricky part will be hiding the motor deck housing. All part of the joys? of this hobby.
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I would not know where to start. I will try run of the mill buildings at some point but at the moment it is what comes from the manufacturers.
I do have Townstreet kits but they are a world away from soldering up a nickel silver bridge decking etc. just too advanced for me at the moment.
Good luck with your Atlas kit bashing. Remember and share the results.
Cheers for now
Inactive Member
Thanks for your reply and goodluck with the Heljan TT.
It will be a while before I get to the Atlas TT but I will share its development with the member's.
Still busy laying cork strip and building copperclad points to suit the layout.
My brother gets back from France at the weekend so I will grab the camera off him.
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It looked quite straight forward in the tutorial :hmm let's see how easy it is for a novice numpty like myself.
Anyway, I'll keep things posted as other unfold.
Thanks again
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It looks better in the flesh than the pictures show it. There is a bit more detail in the deck than Ithought.
The instructions are well detailed but the proof will be in the installation and programming.
I'll let you know how I get on as it happens. A bit early yet.

Full Member
The wiring diagram supplied with the kit was incorrect and if followed caused a short. I downloaded the correct instructions from Heljan website
I got a short on my track circuit if the power was on and the bridge was removed …..not a big deal once you know about it and apparently doesnt happen with everyone
As you know there are umpteen different positions but there is a dead zone and a specified calibrating position Tracks 1 and 2. Its worth think where you want that calibrating position to end up in relation to your operating roads…….I didnt so Heljan Track 2 is actually Shed Road 4 ……if you follow me:roll: If I were doing it again I would have Track 1 match shed road 1 and only use odd numbers for the shed roads ……….I may be confusing you but it is worth spending a little time working out the numbering system you want to use
Guest user
I will do. When I took a quick look at the instructions, It automatically began to confuse a bit, but there again my mind was not really 100% on the task in mind ( not the best of days, I won't elaborate ).
I thought, mmmmm yes this is better for a time when I am up for it. Again, when I come closer to actually preparing for the installation, I'll read through it in more depth and if necessary may give you a shout if you don't mind.
Currently I still have a bit of " dirty work " to do in order to complete the baseboards and cable runs etc before moving on to the intricissies of the track laying and turntable sighting. Meanwhile all tips and advice is welcome.
Thanks again for posting with your experiences with the TT as it will all help when the big day comes.
Cheers for now
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