(In Topic #8977)
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Has anyone done a comparison between the available models
I will be looking into building a turntable into my layout when it gets of the ground. I am looking to buy the most realistic version I can get with the least amount of butchering required army modelling skills are not great at the moment. Something I hope to improve over time and with more experience.I have seen the Hornby and peco offerings and I'm not really impressed with them. Can anyone recommend one from another manufacturer. I don't mind a bit of work being required but do not want to have to undertake a complete overhaul to achieve something realistic.
Thanks for any comments / Assistance.
Cheers Toto.
PS it will be motorised, either out the box or via a bit of cutting and slicing.
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Sorry Tom, no pics, pre digital age !
Cheers, Gary.
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I will look into both of the suggestions. An upturned Dapol turntable. This has got me curious, I must have a surf………..now.

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A terrific site indeed. They do a 70 ft version as actually built at the Haymarket shed that I am looking to base my layout on.
I notice that this product is still under development and I will keep my eye open for it being released as it is by far the best that I have ever seen.
I think it would take most if not all of my existing stock but would need to check if it will take the bigger steamiest that I intend to acquire soon. Ie the gresleys dominion of Canada and the likes who were resident at Haymarket. However as it would appear to be one of the biggest turntables produced, I imagine that it will.
Thanks again for the link, much appreciated.
Any other tips , comments on the above , feel free.

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I'll be checking their website for availability and may even follow up with a quick phone call. If I find out any more info with regards to an updated release date, I'll let you know.
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Contacted metalsmiths today re Cowan & Sheldon 70 ft turntable and they say it could be anything from 6 months to a year before this goes to market.
Apparently they are very busy. anyway just keeping you in the picture

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Cheers MIKE
I'm like my avatar - a local ruin!
I'm like my avatar - a local ruin!

Here is one on ebay for reference ; http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/380693756675?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649#ht_702wt_932 Quite expensive postage !
I am watching one of these on ebay (Australia), but it is pick-up only…, http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/190880497655?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649#ht_207wt_1170 Good price at the moment !
Cheers, Gary.
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The Walthers cornerstone turntable looks ok to me. What is your experience in dealing with Walthers ?
Cheers Toto

Take a look here ; http://www.walthers.com/exec/page/turntables
90' turntable is on sale now, not only that the dcc features are an advantage. Programmable Indexing for up to 60 Positions ! With a little skill, the N gauge 130' turntable would make a great 60' turntable with the bridge at 247mm long. It would require some cutting, shutting and plenty of patience. But you wouldn't want to bugger it up !
Cheers, Gary.
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My cutting and shutting skills have yet to be developed shall we say. Something straight from the box is the order of the day for me so some of your other options would fit the bill better.
There is no rush for it at the moment until the layout is under way. It will also depend on the eventual availability of the metalsmiths version as this is a very prototypical version of what was installed at my chosen Haymarket depot.
It that weren't available nearer the time, I would certainly look again at the various options that you have kindly provided. It's a waiting game for the above reasons at the moment but meanwhile the search continues for all possible options.
What do you think the chances are of the package coming from Walthers in the US to sunny Scotland unscathed ? Should be ok ?

Cheers, Gary.

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The Australian Electorate have discerned something mathematicians Pythagoras and Euclid missed - that there is something lower than the lowest common denominator - and elected it Prime Minister.

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Atlas appear to be having supply problems, I've been waiting over 6 months for an N gauge one, not sure if this applies to other gauges or not, but #I haven't found a UK dealer with stock and a US dealer I tried stated that there were supply problems over there too.Atlas might be worth checking out.
Cheers MIKE
I'm like my avatar - a local ruin!
I'm like my avatar - a local ruin!

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21 tracks on a 15 degree spacing with 3 spaces taken by the drive mechanism, has a crank for manual use or remove covere from manual position and fit the motorising unit
They also do a round house in 3 stall sections.
Not sure yet if to sink it into the baseboard or surface mount with a suitable thickness board round part of it.
Cheers MIKE
I'm like my avatar - a local ruin!
I'm like my avatar - a local ruin!

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I good option to look at also is the Heljan turntable. It's probably a bit less on quality but much cheaper than the flieschmann turntable. It comes ready to run and you can operate it (once you get it fixed and programmed!) via DCC or Manually but manually is much easier as I can't work out how to operate it via DCC at the moment.
Cheers Connor
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