Layout Town

Inactive Member

It's hard to photograph the chain mesh. I'll try the other side . . .

. . . a bit better. You'll have to trust me on this one. :lol:
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Full Member
Have I missed the method of fixing the mesh to the posts?
That's the worst part to do.
I like the intermediate supporting spars on the posts - that's going the extra mile.
Good job.

Inactive Member
On the model, I glued the end of the tulle to the end post with PVA. When it was dry, I used it as an anchor and pulled the tulle along the fence, glueing it to each post as I went. The three wires are just for show - as are the braces. ;-)
The gates are just bent brass, soldered together with tulle stuck on.
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Full Member
I wonder if SWMBO will notice her cocktail dresses getting shorter?

Inactive Member
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Site staff

NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.

Full Member
I can see where you got the mesh from now, Max.

Inactive Member

Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Inactive Member

The beige colouring is clay which has been ground up in a mortar and pestle, sprinkled on to the dried grey acrylic paint and then rubbed into the surface of the paint with my finger. A few bits of gratuitous foliage and I'll be ready for my test fit of the buildings.
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Full Member
Much better that the stuff in boxes.

Inactive Member

and the back view . . .

Now. Where to put the street lights . . .
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Site staff

Outside of that comment - coming on well Max..
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.

Inactive Member
Thanks, Sol.
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Legacy Member

Inactive Member
I was thinking back to 2008 when I joined. I received a lot of encouragement and advice. I wasn't going to worry about scenery on my "test track."
. . . but now look at it - not half bad. :cheers
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Full Member
Actually, that's a bit of a glib statement - I've just spent some time studying it all in detail, and it really IS looking super. Lots and lots of bits and pieces to see and they all suggest you've spent some time "creating" the scene rather than just plonking some vehicles and houses on a patch of grey and green and calling it a hamlet. :thumbs:thumbs

Full Member
Errr, would it be silly if I suggested "in the street"……………………………………………….
Now. Where to put the street lights . . .


Inactive Member
I've had a look around here. They seem to line up with the property boundaries.
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Site staff

No matter what I do, it always ends up looking like rural Australia. :lol:
Except for buildings & cars, much of rural Oz is similar to rural USA - both have areas of dry, dusty, wet, swampy, greenery, forests for starters.
In fact with careful planning, a bloke could change his layout over once a year from Aussie buildings & railways to USA outline & back - gives a good excuse for more locos :mrgreen:
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.

Full Member
In fact with careful planning, a bloke could change his layout over once a year from Aussie buildings & railways to USA outline & back - gives a good excuse for more locos :mrgreen:
now that is a good idea Sol - is there much around in the RTR Australian outline or is it similar to US stuff ?
Whenever I visited Brisbane and the surrounding area, it very much reminded me of the States. I wonder why that is given that the UK should have had more influence on Australia than the States did ……….:roll::roll:
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