Bashed Metcalfe P203 pub kit
(In Topic #4298)

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'It's Muvver wouldn't know it.....'
Take one P203 Metcalfe pub kit, probably 5-10 years old, and challenge yourself to make a fully swinging 4 mm pub sign complete with hinges, some Scalescenes roof tiles, reference photos of roof lichen from YMR, invent 'Unicorn Breweries' because the successors to Tivvy Ales,Starkey Knight Ford Tiverton can't won't reply for copyright permissions and so……The Locomotive Inn!
All for the sake of the sign, which I made by copying a painting twice [front and back] and then cut out an identically sized piece of paper in which I cut two slits to take the 'tails' of two minute eyes twisted up from unravelled picture framers wire of about 6 thou diameter. I super glued the tails into the slits then glued the two pictures either side of the card holding the wire 'eye-bolts'.
Then I drilled two No. 79 [14 thou] holes in a length of 1 mm square plastic [sorry, plastic, I know….] looped a length of of the same wire through, trapping the eye-bolts with a dab of super glue. I drilled another hole in a piece of 20 thou sheet [to stick to the wall], sharpened the end of the first bit and MEKed it in at right angles before heating up the tip of a 1 mm strip of the 20 thou and bending it with suitably warmed miniature round nosed pliers to make the 'bracket' bit.
Now for the clever bit! Knowing full well that a little plastic sign bracket is BOUND to get knocked and broken, I used my latest discovery to make the back of the sign like a 'Post-it' note. By applying a generous coat of the 'Bostik' glue pen shown below to the back of the bracket and allowing it to dry thoroughly, it becomes just like a 'Post-it' and can be a taken off and re-applied! Might be good for little people, scenic items on platforms, barrow crossings covering baseboard joints etc etc…….
Any way, hope you like the 'Locomotive Inn', of about 1930-40s complete with glazed tiled plaques promoting the beers. The roof has yet to be stuck down, I'm still undecided on the choice of chimney and whether or not to fit barge boards.

PS It's pretty rough place, full of railway enthusiasts.
Last edit: by Chubber
'You may share the labours of the great, but you will not share the spoil…' Aesop's Fables
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" - Benjamin Franklin
In the land of the slap-dash and implausible, mediocrity is king
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" - Benjamin Franklin
In the land of the slap-dash and implausible, mediocrity is king
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I'm just about to finish the current Metcalfe pub but it doesn't look anything like as good as yours. I've never seen that kit - mine's part of the pub and shops low relief set. Wonder why they stopped producing that one. :roll::roll:
Both the roof and the weathered rendered end wall look very effective and the sign is a little masterpiece. :cheers:cheers
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like the new lintels what a diff they make.

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What did you use for all the signs on the walls……did you design them and print them off the computor……or?
The roof and moss etc alone make the model stand out from all the run of the mill units.
Kind Regards
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I'll be on the lookout for a glue pen, too.

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Port Elderley
Port Elderley

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I think the signs are brill.
We lived in our pub for four months thinking it was haunted untill we realised the hinges on the sign were making the unearthly noise

Bozzy(never known to pass a pub)
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Great job Doug :doublethumb:doublethumb

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Peter - I've never seen that kit - mine's part of the pub and shops low relief set. Wonder why they stopped producing that one.
There is a new one in production at the moment, the old one was really awful and didn't do them any favours, I'm sure.
John - What did you use for all the signs on the walls……did you design them and print them off the computor…..
Yup, I doodled away in Microsoft Photodraw and printed them off on satin photopaper to look like the raised tile decoration I have been looking at the new pub link I posted to Portsmouth pubs.
Owen - the new lintels what a diff they make.
Thanks, Owen, I used cartridge paper that I lightly washed with diluted burnt sienna watercolour…..good tip, when doing this to a kit, use the pushed out window cut-outs as size gauges to cut the width of the little bit that over hangs inside, cut it bit to long inside and cut it off from the inside when the PVA is dry, i.e. do them before the windows.
Mike - the growth on the roof.
That's burnt sienna applied in two goes, first diluted and dabbed on with the side of a soft No. 6 watercolour brush and allowed to dry, then more b'sienna mixed with a little chrome yellow in a thicker mix and 'splattered' on with SWMBO's toothbrush by flicking the bristles with a toothpick. [Best to practice on a bit of scrap paper first, you know, M.I.L.'s photo….]
Max - Elephant stamp.
Max, wosser elephant stamp? :lol:
'You may share the labours of the great, but you will not share the spoil…' Aesop's Fables
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" - Benjamin Franklin
In the land of the slap-dash and implausible, mediocrity is king
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" - Benjamin Franklin
In the land of the slap-dash and implausible, mediocrity is king

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I suppose when I've made a few and the assembly becomes familiar, then I can start to bash them about a bit.
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Like the homemade signs a lot, they make all the difference, have you used Scalescenes tiles for the roof, or has somebody already asked this question.

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'You may share the labours of the great, but you will not share the spoil…' Aesop's Fables
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" - Benjamin Franklin
In the land of the slap-dash and implausible, mediocrity is king
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" - Benjamin Franklin
In the land of the slap-dash and implausible, mediocrity is king

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Port Elderley
Port Elderley
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