(In Topic #2143)

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Sound and Pictures
I just did the tour of Dave Bentley's Heatherburn Garden Railway and I was wondering if Dave or some other likely person may be able to do a thread on editing videos for inclusion on YMR. Things like adding soundtracks, split screen, cutting? Or maybe there is a site we can visit to get the expertise. Cheers Max
Port Elderley
Port Elderley
Guest user
As a starting point here are the basics, I find th bset way of learning is to play, if you try out these basics i could then try and answer any questions anyone has
I use Microsoft Movie Maker, which is a standard part of Windows. It can generally be found in START / ALL PROGRAMS / WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER

When you open it you will see the following, the only difference you will have an empty white section in the middle if you have not used the softwae before.

The next step is to IMPORT some files to play with, my camera creates .avi files and they work fine, you can also import pictures .jpg or music .mp3 all use the same import. This is done form FILE / IMPORT INTO COLLECTIONS

as the files import movie maker divides them into folders called collection which appear down the left of the window. Single clicking on any collection icon will show you the imported files within it. Note if you import a larg video file it will break it into segments within the specific collection.
Next select a file from one of the collections and "drag" it down to the timeline at the bottom.

Note the timeline is divided into VIDEO AUDIO MUSIC and TITLE drag pictures and video to the line called VIDEO if you recorded with sound the audio appears in the AUDIO line automatically.
Note by clicking on SHOW STORYBOARD just above where the video gets dragged to you can get a different view, this can be toggled back by clicking SHOW TIMELINE

If you have imported an mp3 file it can be dragged to the MUSIC line of the TIMELINE

To get different videos to join, click on TRANSITIONS just above the COLLECTIONS on the left, you will see this

choose a transition type, (single click on it to get a preview) ten drag it down to the timeline.
Just a note, you can drag and drop to either the timeline or storyboard view but I find it better to do transitions to the storyboard view as it shows them as a seperate entity. Music titles and vide i find easy in timeline view as it indicates the time of each.
Finally for now click TOOLS along the top and click TITLES AND CREDITS you will see

The instructions are quite easy to follow click done and you have a mini movie.
The work in progress can be saved by FILE / SAVE PROJECT. just be aware if you cme back to the project and you hacve relocated any of the imported files on your computer they will not be there in Movie maker, the project file remembers the location of a file not what it was.
The movie can be saved in a whatchable form by FILE / SAVE MOVIE FILE then it will give you some choices, save it in a for "PLAYBACK ON MY COMPUTER in the options on the first screen, this will make a WMA file that can be uploaded to YOUTUBE.
I hope this makes sense and if anyone gives it a go and wants to ask further questions just ask.
Here is one I prepared earlier
Guest user
Can we expect some videos of the layout in the next few days?
cheers brian

Inactive Member
Brian, I think SWMOB is going to surprise me with it. (wedding anniversary)
Port Elderley
Port Elderley
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Port Elderley
Port Elderley

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thanks John.

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Port Elderley
Port Elderley

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C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\moviemk.exe
Doubtless you will have looked there but I offer this just in case.

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Port Elderley
Port Elderley

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Senior's moment :thud
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

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Port Elderley
Port Elderley
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Is it possible to actually edit the video itself with this software. i.e. cutting out bits and adding others?
When open if you look directly under the preview screen you will see 2 icons. The one on the left will split the video at the frame you are on. The one on the left takes a snap shot of the video on the frame which can be used as a still picture
I generally film the same sequence from 2 or 3 angles. When imported I then split the videos this allows me to shuffle views up to give the appearance of a single sequence filmed from different angles, the seams are hidden wth a FADE TRANSITION.

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