
Full Member
I take my hat off toy you having the skill to build locos - it's something I'd really love to do but have way too many other demands on my time to be able to spend it learning how to do it. I'm told it can be "fiddly" and that's enough to make me look the other way. If Roger (Fortytwo) thinks he has podgy fingers, he's got nothing on me !!
Enjoy yourself looking around and, when you're ready, let us know what you're planning to do. :cheers
Full Member
Thank you. I've already started with my narrow gauge layout thread.
Building locomotives is something that I have found I can only do when I "feel" in the right frame of mind. Otherwise I leave alone as it is all too easy to mess something up (especially with regard to white metal castings). Consequently it can take me ages to actually complete a kit. Unlike some of the masters like Tony Wright, I only have one on the go at a time and I don't have asbestos fingers!
Bending curves in the footplate is also very tricky for me - I do have a PDK D16 4-4-0, ideal for my GE theme, but trying to bend the footplate around the driving wheels was driving me mad and the kit has never progressed. Then Hornby came to my rescue and released a RTR model!
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During this "Thing", finding a website like YMRC has been a lifesaver. I cannot wear a mask, nor can I bear to see others wearing them. It makes me feel physically sick - before they were mandatory here I saw a couple walk into B&Q wearing them and I had to turn away and start breathing slowly and deeply to avoid "upchuck".
Consequently I have virtually not been out of the house except to pick up my "Click and Collect" shopping from the supermarket car park since last August. I have a lanyard to show exemption from wearing a mask, but as I said, I cannot bear even to see others wearing them - and I have this terror of homo erectus slapping a mask over my face with superglue because they don't believe anyone should be exempt.
Reading Claus Elfs posting this morning about lockdown 6.0 and banned travelling more than 5k forced me to look at the latest reports - the next thing I expect to hear from Australia is "10 people died of the virus, 200 were executed for breaking lockdown rules"
I will try and stay positive and log in occasionally, but the thought of coming across updates even on this website terrify me and send me into depression.
Full Member
I constantly see people, especially the elderly, who have been brainwashed into wearing masks even when walking alone in the street with no other person around for hundreds of yards. And in the heat of summer. Madness! They have more chance of being hit by a meteorite than contracting Covid under those circumstances.
Take comfort from the fact that more people, myself included, are now deciding not to wear masks unless specifically required to do so, eg on Transport for London services, etc. This will catch on as people become more confident that the vaccination programme has turned the tide. The net result is that it won't be long before you can go about your business without having to look at other people wearing masks, only the brainwashed and the terrified. And as for HM Government imposing further restrictions upon us, good luck with that! I think they have lost the support of the public now as regards further lockdowns, etc. I certainly won't be complying any further.
In the meantime, immerse yourself in your interests. This will pass.
Best wishes,

Full Member
sorry to hear your news, I've appreciated your input to my topic so come back soon.
Full Member
feeling slightly better this morning - maybe the bottle of Red and Whisky last night helped.
Terry, never got offered the vaccine! No Letter, No telephone call from the doctor, no E-mail. Go Figure. I've been told I need to phone the Doctor myself, but that I must wear a mask when getting the vaccine - given my problems with masks this is catch 22! Of course she also told me to grow a pair and strap one on, so maybe not true!

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Covid19 has quickly swept across the entire planet and killed people in pretty much every country and will continue to do so until enough vaccine has been administered to the entire human race to prevent it doing its grizzly thing.
Where vaccines are readily available, such as in the UK, people must take responsibility themselves to ensure they are fully protected. They cannot wait for, nor expect the luxury of being organised by an adoring benefactor to do the right thing.
Here in France, the system was eventually very well organised, but as normal with all matters of civil responsibility, we had to make all the arrangements ourselves to go and get vaccinated. The system is very simple and efficient and we now feel more confident and happy to take an occasional restaurant meal and a trip to see friends once again.
I hope you are able to overcome your mask phobia one way or another, perhaps with sympathetic assistance from a loved one or trusted friend.
Very best wishes and may you hopefully live long and prosper,
At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)

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My old stomping ground was the Eastern region in particular around Ipswich.
Love the loco build and hats off to you for doing that. I have built some kit built wagons but never ventured into loco building.
I started off in DC many years ago but after a considerable break in modelling, returned to the world of DCC and to be honest would not go back to DC. It is not complicated but offers me so much more in control and sound.
Please stick with what you are happy with though, there are many here that can advise you on the electrics. Speaking of which, it is very easy to convert a loco from DC to DCC.
The main aim of the game is to enjoy the hobby so just do that.
Good luck with your future layout.
I am no expert but I do what I can, when I can, with what I can.
I am no expert but I do what I can, when I can, with what I can.
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