Central Trains (1997-2007) livery questions
(In Topic #13945)

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Paint colour matching
Hi All,I am in the process of respraying some locos into a livery similar to Central Trains Livery (for Sol). Can people please provide some insight as to the appropriate paint colours from manufactures such as Humbrol, Tamiya and Vallejo. As I am in Australia I cannot access Phoenix or Railmatch paints.
The colours I would require would be:
Light Green
The Blue/green stripe along the bottom.
I realise there was a Blue over the top end of some classes like the 156 and 170 but that is not necessary. Below is a Class 153 to illustrate the colours, to me it looks like the yellow end is a different colour to the door colour.

Regards Connor
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CC Weathering Services Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ccweatheringservices/

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My guess on your shot is that the end looks darker because it's reflecting some of the preceding coach end which is in shadow plus, when they wash them, the sides get more "brush" than the ends do ……………..
Someone will now come along with authentic colurs showing 2 different yellows …………. :roll: :roll: :roll:
Even though you can't access the Railmatch colours, do the other manufacturers have an "equivalent to" chart ?

Site staff

At least that might give Connor a starting point to go to an Arts supplies or craft shop or even go online and colour match ?
As for the yellows I looked at several photos from different Angles and I DID think the door Yellow looked more of a lighter lemony yellow ? So the ends would probably be the BR specified warning yellow and maybe choose a lighter more lemony yellow for the doors ? The only plus side, it was hard finding ANY information and show those same photos to 10 People and I'll guarantee you'll get 15 different answers ( yup there are those who can even argue with themselves !) :)
All the best with your search Connor ! Please let us know how you get on :thumbs
Wasnie me, a big boy did it and ran away
"Why did you volunteer ? I didn't Sir, the other three stepped backwards"
"Why did you volunteer ? I didn't Sir, the other three stepped backwards"

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that is like the story I have heard " I was going to lose 6 kg of weight during Covid 2020 - I still have 10kg to lose ! "The only plus side, it was hard finding ANY information and show those same photos to 10 People and I'll guarantee you'll get 15 different answers ( yup there are those who can even argue with themselves !) :)
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.

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The best I could manage Peter was A Whiki page giving Central Trains Main colour as #00bb00 Islamic green
#00bb00 entered into the RGB Color Picker shows up as equating in CMYK to Cyan 100, Magenta 0, Yellow 100, Key (Black) 27.
Since C 100, M 0, Y 100, K 0 = Pure Primary green this means your required shade is pure green with a small amount of Black to darken. This last part would have to be trial and error.
It would be worth testing first because I thought the shade in your photo was to the yellow side of green. It's not that helpful to measure that from the photo supplied as there is no white reference area. There could be a yellow bias in the incident lighting to throw out the colour you're seeing.
Last edit: by Colin W

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Wikipedia photo of Central Trains
unlike the original, this photo has a usable white area, the platform edge which analyses as pure white. This then allows an assessment of the green shade.
The bodywork green colour in this photo and my measurements fit with my earlier comments of it being a yellowish green. It has the underlying characteristics C 50, M 0, Y 100 which corresponds to "Chartreuse", a tertiary CMY colour sitting half way between Yellow and Green (a secondary in CMY).
Hence it should be very easy to knock together or to find directly as a shade
Last edit: by Colin W

Site staff

I see that Bachmann did at one point make a RR model which gives an indication the information MUST be out there somewhere :hmm
link to bachmann model of a 158
Hopefully Connor can get what he needs to progress
Wasnie me, a big boy did it and ran away
"Why did you volunteer ? I didn't Sir, the other three stepped backwards"
"Why did you volunteer ? I didn't Sir, the other three stepped backwards"

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A useful couple of sources there but as I said, I am looking to create a similar livery to Central rather that matching it exactly as the livery will be known as of 'Charde Rail', a private rail company on Sol's layout, the D&S. The purpose for producing similar colour scheme is to do with Sol obtaining a Class 153 in Central/East Midlands Livery for the passenger service. The new livery will be applied to 2 diesels which will run the company goods trains. In saying this, I also bought out my Bachmann Class 150 in Central and it is different to the 153 in regard to the green, it also has a blue stripe instead of the greeny blue of the 153. I have done up some swatches of colours I currently have and have lined them up next to the models:

You can see the difference in colours between the 2 models.

I know my camera does not do the colours justice and the swatches are not the best but it gives you a rough idea. Humbrol 38 (furthest left green) looks very close to the 150 green.

A closer up of the 2 blue swatches, I like X-4 more but XF-8 is probably closer. They would both work I think.
Overall I would choose the Tamiya X-15 (Light Green) and X-4 (Blue) to create the liveries but I would like some input. As far as yellow is concerned, I don't have to worry about the door vs end colour as I am just painting the ends of the diesels only so that is easy, will probably use Humbrol 99 or a Tamiya colour for that.
Thanks Again.
Regards Connor
CC Weathering Services: https://ccgwr1.wixsite.com/ccweatheringservices/
CC Weathering Services Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ccweatheringservices/
CC Weathering Services Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ccweatheringservices/

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From your posting here, I'd certainly go with the Humbrol 38 green - no real contest there - but my eyes see the Tamiya XF-8 as being to the blue nearest although that too looks slightly too "dense".
As it's going to be a new livery - "Charde Rail", then matching the Central livery exactly is not necessary - in fact, perhaps not even to be recommended. One mustn't forget the light in Australia is vastly different from that in UK so colours would tske on a different hue anyway.
Are you designing some "Charde Rail" logos to stick on too or has Sol already done that ?

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Thanks for your input, the Humbrol is certainly closer than the other 2, although, the Tamiya is the most 'green.' As far as the blues go, I think the flat blue (XF-8) makes it look closer to Bachmann colour than the glossier X-4. You're right that they don't need to be exact matches. A couple years ago now, we had a train in South Australia which was run by 1 company who's colours were Orange and Black yet they just re-branded some older green diesels and ran them in tandem with the orange ones, so not totally unprototypical.
Sol is doing up some decals in consultation with another member of our local modelling group. They will be Black as far as I know but I am sure he will provide clarification.
CC Weathering Services: https://ccgwr1.wixsite.com/ccweatheringservices/
CC Weathering Services Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ccweatheringservices/
CC Weathering Services Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ccweatheringservices/

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then I thought of this again as a nameplate
CHARDE RAIL with the numbers same font but smaller. The locos being re-sprayed will use the same concept.
A brake van will also be done in similar colours but just with CR
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.

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Will you get it printed as a waterslide or something ?

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that is what I am hoping to do PeterWill you get it printed as a waterslide or something ?
http://steamandthings.com/fpage37aa.htm is a local bloke here in South Oz.
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.

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that link doesn't work.
BTW I think it's the same guy who did my excellent WC&PR transfers

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main services page
Sol and I have decided that Tamiya X-15 and X-4 will be used for the green and blue.
CC Weathering Services: https://ccgwr1.wixsite.com/ccweatheringservices/
CC Weathering Services Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ccweatheringservices/
CC Weathering Services Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ccweatheringservices/

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Glad you've agreed on a colour scheme - it will look smart. :thumbs
Will it be based in the revamped station Sol ?

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Connor may even post a photo of the re-painted loco body shell in the fullness of time. I saw it with grey undercoat last week.
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.

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