Class 33 Diesel Loco


#244137 (In Topic #13484)
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Having sound fitted

Hi All.  I am having a recently purchased Loco fitted with sound. It may not be everybody’s first choice, but, I just fancied the idea of a thumping Diesel on my Planks/ Modules. But it is taking a while to do, or so it would seem.Do all DCC sound jobs take a fortnight or more to do, or does it mean that I will get a fantastic job and it will be worth the wait?   Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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The best people to give you the answer to that Kevin are the people who are supplying it.
All companys lead times will vary and of course their stock levels they have .

Give them a ring and ask.


OO gauge DCC ECOS Itrain 4 computer control system
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Hi Brian.   I have made contact with the experts, and have been assured that everything is well. Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Hi Brian.  and any interested parties. Before my early morning dash by ambulance to Kings College Hospital I purchased and tested on Direct Current a Heljan Class 33 Diesel Loco, and it was much quieter than critics had said. I also arranged for DCC sound to be fitted by Ian Bishop, and have apologised for my current position and inability to ( due to the position that I find myself in. But I will make an arrangement to pay for the work and carriages as soon as possible. I am uncertain on the percentage of members that would make a class 33 Heljan their first choice mainline Diesels, but, it has been a workhorse of the Southern for years. I cannot convey my regret enough to Ian Bishop enough online and being cut off from Kevin’s Inglenook Junction, as that is located upstairs, and after the carer escorts me down the stairs in the morning, that is where I remain for the remainder of the day. Until/ if I get the my dexterity back. Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Nothing wrong with a Class 33 Kevin i have 3 myself although i have not fitted sound decoders in them perhaps at some point in the future.
I do have a loksound 4 i could have reblown to a 33 if i wanted to.
Hopefully it wont be long untill you are fit enough to play with the 33 Kevin


OO gauge DCC ECOS Itrain 4 computer control system
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The Heljan class 33s are near silent runners, unless you fit sound.

I may have said this before, but I have eight of them in various liveries and guises, four with sound. As the bodies simply clip off and on, it is easy to swap identities between similarly liveried locos (e.g. between two or more green versions, or two or more BR blue ones - th limitations being largely due to the solebars being painted suitable colours for the liveries, such as black for green locos or blue for blue locos, and also only within the sub-classes, if you see what I mean).

Only one of my 33s has a little gear whine, which will probably be cured if I scoop out the white grease and then oil the gears.

For the record (at risk of boring everyone), my Heljan 33 collection is as follows:

33/0:D6547 in BR blue
D6570 in BR green with full yellow ends and coaching stock crest
D6585 in BR green with Digitrains' sound on a Zimo MX645
33 030 in EWS livery

D6520 in BR blue with legomanbiffo sound on an ESU LokSound v4
33 108 in 'Dutch' livery33 117 in BR blue with Howes' sound on an older ESU LokSound v3.5

6591 in BR blue (no 'D' prefix) with legomanbiffo sound on an older ESU LokSound v3.5

The earlier 33/0 models had the incorrect flatter roof profile, which I have mostly disguised by carefully reprofiling the cab roofs to a more curved profile, misleading the eye slightly as to the overall shape.

As you can see, I can field class 33 locomotives for several overlapping eras, with several available for my 4 TC sets. As Kevin said, they were a workhorse and used for all sorts of duties, from frontline mainline services to secondary duties, mail, parcels, freight and engineering duties, and even menial shunting work. A true maid of all work.

For comparison, newer moulding D6570 pretty well straight out of the box, with correct roof profile.

P_20181227_113801_vHDR_On by Jeffrey Lynn, on Flickr

And original moulding D6585 with the disguised flatter profile.

P_20181227_114005_vHDR_On by Jeffrey Lynn, on Flickr

Last edit: by SRman

Jeff Lynn,
Amateur layabout, Professional Lurker, Thread hijacker extraordinaire
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Hi Brian.  Thank you, I am really looking forward to being able, if possible, to get back to working on the scenery project. But that may possibly mean purchasing some specialist tools which may or may not exist. If I am suffering from rheumatoid arthritis it could be “ game over “. But, it looks like my planned extensions may be impossible.Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Hi Jeff. Thank you. Your layout has given me inspiration, but so far the scenic break is bare, apart that is from a pair of Noch Tunnel portals. I have been reading and watching youtube on the subject which includes “ Ceiling Tiles “. That are broken up into strips and glued into position to represent “ Rock Strata “ which does look very effective, but I think that it would require painting to seal the surface, with maybe the odd clumps of grass stuck within the cracks. But unless my health improves rapidly I will have to curtail my Railway Empire to two four foot boards rather three plus a three foot board. And not purchase anymore Class 33’s..  Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Hi Kevin my with suffers with rheumatoid arthritis and has been under treatment for it for at least 25 years now. Not a nice disease at all 24 hour pain i have to give my wife credit she battles on despite the pain and deliberately keeps herself very active. Peers of hers who she sees sometimes at the hospital who were diagnosed around the same time have given up and are on sticks and in wheelchairs secret is Kevin keep yourself going even if you dont really feel like it. As im sure you already know there is no cure for it all they can do is suppress the advance of the disease.
I think a positive attitude makes a big difference in a disorder like  rheumatoid arthritis.


OO gauge DCC ECOS Itrain 4 computer control system
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Hi Brian.   Thank you. But I haven’t got that long, as today is my 72nd. birthday, I must say that had I been suffering from it for a long period I don’t think that I would have coped with it. With the earlier signs I put it down to carpal tunnel syndrome? As other drivers at my Depot were going off sick with the condition. Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Happy birthday Kevin
72 is not old you have probably got many good years ahead of you yet.

Anyway you are not allowed to be ill as the forum posting rate plummets when you are not around. :mutley


OO gauge DCC ECOS Itrain 4 computer control system
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Hi Brian.  Thank you. If only everyone wanted to reply to the topics. Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Happy birthday Kevin!!  Really hope you get to go play trains again soon. 
I had a class 33 when I was younger and will add one to Teasel at some point :-)
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Hi Kevin, I've just snook in while it's still your birthday, so I hope the day has gone well and Happy Birthday of course, not that 72 years is a particularly old age. After all, 70 is the new 58, so get better and get stuck in and enjoy yourself.




At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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Hi Chris.  Thank you. I can hardly wait until I get my hands on the class 33. Alas, I need to get my fitness back.And then I can get to put the wheels in motion., and pay Ian for the work. Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Hi Bill. Thank you very much. The trouble is being in Hospital for only 5 weeks, but before I went into Kings I had no problem in walking. Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Belated birthday wishes - may you continue to circumnavigate the sun for many years to come.

British OO outline, DCC - NCE PowerPro, Sound chips, Computer Control- RR&Co software
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Hi Dave.  Thank you very much. As another year goes by and my project seems further away but I will do my best to reach my goal. Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Hi Bill . Thank you. But I would rather be having messages about the future of “ Inglenook Junction “ ,even though I am unable to progress the project at the time of writing. It will give me some inspiration. I have read many ideas and received a lot of good ideas and advice, I am growing more sceptical about YouTube advice though, with some obvious errors and no one to answer to, anyone it seems can post a YouTube video. Best wishes Kevin 

Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Sol is in the usergroup ‘Super-moderators’
Kevin, Youtube is the library of peoples knowledge & in most cases, what they did in their hobby works for them - it may not for others so it is a case of trying to find one that works for you & yes, you will make mistakes, even me who according to Chubber, still uses a paraffin powered soldering iron !

NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.
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