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(In Topic #13424)

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Thank you for letting me join
Thank you for letting me join the forum. Model railways has been a life time hobby since I was given a Hornby Dublo 3-rail train set for Christmas when I was 10 years old back in 1963. I've only been able to start building a 'proper' layout in the last 10 years, albeit slowly and in fits and starts, but a recent prostate cancer operation has made me realise I need to get a move on!I'm building an L-shaped fiddle yard to branch line terminus layout, loosely based on a fictitious town in the Evesham/Tewkesbury area in the late 40s/early 50s - LMS with a separate GWR branch. While recovering from my operation, I've been catching up on building some of the kits I've been stockpiling over years - very therapeutic, I should add! ;-) I stumbled across YMRC when googling for information about the Superquick Elizabethan cottage and found the article by Gordon Curtis in February 2018 really helpful - I can't believe my good fortune in finding it as I bought the pre 80s version many years ago and have only just got round to building it….and during the intervening years the assembly instructions and glazing strip had disappeared, which is why Gordon’s article was so helpful!

Finally finding the time to indulge in my favourite hobby.......that Hornby Dublo 3-rail train set is a long time ago!

Full Member
You're in my old stamping ground of Southampton and I remember seeing a fabulous Totton layout at the SMRC Eastleigh exhibition in January.
I sincerely hope your recovery continues and that you get plenty of railyway therapy to help you along the way.
At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)

Site staff

Wasnie me, a big boy did it and ran away
"Why did you volunteer ? I didn't Sir, the other three stepped backwards"
"Why did you volunteer ? I didn't Sir, the other three stepped backwards"

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GWR and LMS……excellent……a splendid combination :lol:
I hope you recovery progresses well…….a warm welcome from Canada.

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Superb 3rd piccy with a top class Coal wagon in the foreground. :roll:
OO gauge DCC ECOS Itrain 4 computer control system

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Glad you like the LMS/GWR blend - I've got the Bob Essery book about the Barnt Green to Ashchurch via Redditch branch which is where I got the inspiration. Thanks
Last edit: by PVilly
Finally finding the time to indulge in my favourite hobby.......that Hornby Dublo 3-rail train set is a long time ago!

Full Member
Finally finding the time to indulge in my favourite hobby.......that Hornby Dublo 3-rail train set is a long time ago!

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Finally finding the time to indulge in my favourite hobby.......that Hornby Dublo 3-rail train set is a long time ago!

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I often spend time on the IOW so on a good day can probably see Soton.
Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac

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Finally finding the time to indulge in my favourite hobby.......that Hornby Dublo 3-rail train set is a long time ago!

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A warm welcome to the club.
©Nigel C. Phillips

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Welcome from sunny Essex.

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I have a few of them myself Phill I wonder why :hmmThanks Brian - my wife's maiden name is Webb so I had to buy that one didn't I……and Cheltenham is the right area!?!?!? I should add that her parents were from Truro and Perranporth was a popular childhood holiday destination! ;-)
I came here as a child and thats why i moved here donkeys years ago.
Truro has probably changed a bit since your wife was there. Like most places lots of building.
OO gauge DCC ECOS Itrain 4 computer control system
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Welcome to the club.

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Born beside the mighty GWR.
Born beside the mighty GWR.

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Your layout is looking good. I've not actually got round to building one yet, but I have put together a few buildings!
I hope your health continues to improve.
Very best wishes

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Always try to look on the bright side of life!

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Welcome to our online club from Chandlers Ford. We may have passed each other by at local exhibitions. In welcoming you here may I also invite you to pop along to Kemps Quay and pay us a visit at the Southampton Model Railway Society? You will be made very welcome.
Southampton Model Railway Society | Railway modelling at its best!
Good luck with all your modeling ventures.
Chandlers Ford
Chandlers Ford
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