Hints and Tips
(In Topic #12724)

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How to solder in a “ Sitting Positionâ€
Hi All. The whole idea of soldering in a “ Sitting Position†?? Goes against my nature, I learnt to solder, standing at a bench and have always soldered that way since, but since I fractured a vertebra in my Lumber Spine, I find it near impossible to stand at a bench for very long periods. Hot soldering irons and solder no go well with bodily contact? I know all too well, but , needs must. As it is, I use a stool, which I retreat to, but all jobs take that bit longer.Would some kind member come up with a sensible idea to solve this issue? Best wishes. Kevin
Staying on the thread Kevin.

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Bar stool, adjustable height chair, or similar.
©Nigel C. Phillips

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Staying on the thread Kevin.
Inactive Member
For most jobs, I have changed to using a chair at my workbench. When I am sitting, the benchtop is then about chest high. This lets me rest my wrists or forearms on the bench.
The down side is that the area within reach is small so jobs take longer. But I have learnt that strange skill of keeping the bench tidy and what I need within reach.
Not very elegant but as you say needs must.

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Staying on the thread Kevin.
Inactive Member
You need to be able to get your legs under the bench, / work area. Either remove stuff from under it or make some sort of folding leaf
A welding leather apron, they're a better solution than cotton and larger. Saved me a few times. Stops SWMBOs complaints about paint and glue on the trousers as well!!
I use a made to measure wooden tray, that fits on the arms of an old wood armed armchair in the railway shed.
An artist's desk easel, or home made version, will lift work up at a Variety of angles, closer to you, a small g clamp can hold work in position,
Last edit: by The Q
Now I've finally started a model railway…I've inherited another…
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David V.

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If I need my Proxxon mini pillar drill I clear space on the cutting mat and lift it up from under the bench.
I received a mini bench grinder for Christmas which will live under the bench too (great value by the way £19.99 from Lidl at the end of November).
Regards Rob

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Port Elderley
Port Elderley

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Staying on the thread Kevin.

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Staying on the thread Kevin.

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Staying on the thread Kevin.
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Cheers Pete.
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Now I've finally started a model railway…I've inherited another…

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Staying on the thread Kevin.
Inactive Member

This is a laptop computer desk ,which can be easily made
from ally tubing , and the plastic knock in connectors .
This one is from Aldi
It is fully height , and tilt adjustable . easy to move ,
and is VERY STABLE .
You can even take it to bed with you .
I find it useful for all sots of jobs .
Regards Ted

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Staying on the thread Kevin.
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In my youth, I worked in an electronics factory. The assembly lines were run with the operators seated.
My back is also a problem, so I have to work seated. We live in a retirement village, with limited space, so I usually end up at the dining room table. (My wife is really forgiving).
To avoid soldering ones lap, I use a drop-cloth, one end attached to the table, and the other on my lap.
This also stops things like springs or nuts vanishing in the carpet.
Roy Low :mrgreen:

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Staying on the thread Kevin.
Inactive Member
Which reminds me, I have a show on Saturday, Time to dig the stool out again..
Drop cloth an old Idea, Jason and the Argonauts hunting the golden fleece, is believed to be based on the fleece old gold workers wore on their laps to collect gold dust to stop it escaping or used in "panning" for gold in a sluice)..
Last edit: by The Q
Now I've finally started a model railway…I've inherited another…
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