A lifetime's work in pictures
(In Topic #12514)
Legacy Member
Of cardboard empires and such.
Though I'm only scratching the surface here where a good deal of what me and my ego would like to share with you was never recorded and, of course, never filed back in the 'good ol' days ' before we got bogged down with computers and stuff.
There's thousands of pics to choose from ( read that as many hours of ploughing through files and magazines ) so I aplogise if you find this thread something of a long haul and especially where I shall have to limit six pictures to each post.
So, and without any particular reason, I would like to kick off with a selection of church pics and, as one will notice, built out of Wills stone sheets that, for me, took over where fire cement ended way back in the 70's/80's.

Legacy Member
Next up. Cottages and the first buildings I ever modelled using fire cement over card where the stone work was worked in by hand with a guitar pic. The finish left a lot to be desired but back in the 70's - well, what else was there ?
Here then a Cotswold village theme, in 4mm and in black and white photographed by Mike Boardman on a hill somewhere is Sussex.

Legacy Member
Could be like comparing the clock work key to DCC.

Legacy Member

Legacy Member

Legacy Member
I don't very often model prototypes - too many restrictions where what is, is more important than what isn't.
So, modelling Tintagel Post Office proved to be a right PITA since there were no plans available ( which was just as well because I couldn't have read them if there was ) and a trip down to Cornwall with tape, rule and ladder was definitely out of the question which had a lot, if not everything, to do with wifey's map reading.
Anyway, Tintagel Post office, the fire cement version.

Last edit: by allan downes

Full Member
Its only me again! I must say Tintagel post office is a real gem
Last edit: by GreenBR
Acording to a recent visit to a supermarket at check out time, I an not loosing my memory it has been downgraded which means i am not stupid afterall - Sorted! - What a relief

Full Member
You were demonstrating at some model railway show I attended just because you were going to be there !!! Don't remember the layouts nor the venue but I do remember seeing what I suspect was probably your steel works on display………….. :roll: I was blown away then and still am.
Seeing these shots simply boggles the mind !!! Absolute masterpieces, each and every one of them. Looking forward to seeing more. :thumbs :thumbs :thumbs
Legacy Member
I think I remember that show, wasn't you the dashing gent that my wife was forever going on about !
Anyway, it's always nice to see one's work appreciated and there'll be more to follow.
I did try to copy paste what I had posted on here and share it with RM web of whom I also subscribe to - but first the photo's came up , then they disappeared ! So, I had to start all over again, rummaging through my files which takes hours.
Again, many thanks

Full Member
Spot on Allan - that was the show. ;-) :cheers :cheers………………………………….
I think I remember that show, wasn't you the dashing gent that my wife was forever going on about !
Legacy Member
Legacy Member


Site staff

Though I'm only scratching the surface
As you mentioned Alan only scratching the surface ! So I decided to see what I could find and have taken the liberty of gathering a few links together so other members (and me :thumbs ) can easily find and browse more of your work
I will also put a link to this Topic in a Scratchbuilding photo box on the right of the forum front page so it's easy to find
Wasnie me, a big boy did it and ran away
"Why did you volunteer ? I didn't Sir, the other three stepped backwards"
"Why did you volunteer ? I didn't Sir, the other three stepped backwards"

Site staff

Lost in Colorado
Monks Bay, permanently exhibited layout
Buildings,drawings, diagrams, scenery setting, etc
A little Welsh Narrow Gauge
Monks Bay update
Larger than life buildings!
Heavy industry
Railway Structures
Small village industry:Wheelwrights yard,plans,dimensions
Country Station:Plans,Drawings,Dimensions
Lineside Warehouse Plans,Dimensions etc.
Engine Shed/Goods Shed:Plans,drawings, dimensions
Signal Box/Coaling Stage/Water Tower/Weigh Hut:Plans,Drawings, dimensions
Scratchbuilding - can I help?
Detailing Buildings with Evergreen Plastics
0 Gauge - Millhouse Lane
Bishops Castle
Build a High Street
Tin Giants
Building Plans
Not for the faint hearted!
Early exhibition work at Pecorama
Back on the horse. (it's a castle)
Old mill, old methods and materials
Tintagel Post Office
A different kind of Castle Coombe
Arlington Row, Bidbury
A GWR(ish ) Goods shed
Stone build barn
Crossing Keepers Cottage
Scratchbuilding (Churches)
Derelict factory
Derelict water mill
Fishy new project underway
Tudor Buildings
American clapboard
More Seaside Hotels
Quaint Signal Box
Trowse Pumping Station - abandoned
Ardverikie Castle
Another Scottish Castle
The old stone mill revisited
Victorian factory
Clydebank Riverside Station
O Gauge on a door
Tetbury Goods Shed. An alternative
The Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells
Large Country Station
A Scottish Castle
Tools of the Trade ?
Battery Street Sidings
Photoshop Enhancements
Building a derelict watermill
A lifetime's work in pictures
Small country station
And Finaly
✔ Barchester
Wasnie me, a big boy did it and ran away
"Why did you volunteer ? I didn't Sir, the other three stepped backwards"
"Why did you volunteer ? I didn't Sir, the other three stepped backwards"

Full Member
Pun intended?
Your work is quite lovely throughout

Site staff

Just saw this and thought I would link it here (hope thats ok Spurno )
link re Alan Downes from Rmweb
Such Sad but not unexpected news
Wasnie me, a big boy did it and ran away
"Why did you volunteer ? I didn't Sir, the other three stepped backwards"
"Why did you volunteer ? I didn't Sir, the other three stepped backwards"

Full Member
"The only stupid question is the one you don't ask"

Site staff

RIP Alan
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.

Full Member

Jeff Lynn,
Amateur layabout, Professional Lurker, Thread hijacker extraordinaire
Amateur layabout, Professional Lurker, Thread hijacker extraordinaire

Site staff

RIP Allan.
Born beside the mighty GWR.
Born beside the mighty GWR.
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