Photography software
(In Topic #12174)

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Uploading photos
Hi All. Happy New Year everyone. I have never found out how to upload photos onto Your Model Railway. I am not a "Showoff". but some advice/ criticism along the way can be helpful before digging a hole so deep I cannot get out of. I find that my iPad is very good at taking "Sharp Photograps and Videos" it also works as a computer, in fact too good, giving me the recent problem with my Laptop, because I had neglected to update it, but that is getting away from the issue. Can anyone tell me how I can upload from "Safari" onto YMRC? I can Email, Tweet, Facebook , etc. If my iPad had Firefox ? there wouldn't be a problem, but it hasn't got it, so I am stuck unless someone can help Kevin
Staying on the thread Kevin.

Site staff

Inactive Member
The issue is with the iPad. I don't know how to do it with Apple. It can be done apparently, but it requires a bit of extra effort.
There's one guy on the O scale forum who can't do it, no matter what he tries.
I'm about to inherit my late mother in law's iPad, so I'm hoping to learn how to do it for reference.
I think that it's relatively easy to download Firefox, Kevin.
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Full Member
Staying on the thread Kevin.
Site staff

Site staff

Just tried that last post on my Android tablet (cheapo iPad equivalent) and it works fine using the Upload new photo for insertion button, as you can see.
As far as I know, since the upgrade, those buttons should work on ALL devices everywhere, including mobiles and tablets, and including Safari on an Apple Mac.
The one possible exception is iPad, and since I don't have one, I can't test it.
Kevin, what happens if you click that button on the iPad? Does it go to wherever iPad stores its files? Or do you see a message? if so, what does it say?
Alternatively your iPad probably comes with a USB lead to connect it to your laptop? My tablet does. When I connect it, it becomes an external drive like a memory stick on the laptop. So I could upload any files from it via the laptop that way if I wanted to. You should be able to do the same with your iPad.
If not, I really don't understand why anybody buys the damn things, if they cost so much and do so little. :???:

Inactive Member
Wendy is a Mac tragic, so she buys one of each in the range.
I might borrow her iPad and have a go tonight (that's if I can wrestle it from her). :mrgreen:
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Full Member
Last edit: by Passed Driver
Staying on the thread Kevin.

Full Member
Staying on the thread Kevin.

Inactive Member

This is done on Wendy's iPad exactly the same way as I do it on my PC, Kevin.
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Full Member
Staying on the thread Kevin.

Inactive Member
What do you mean by "Higgledy Piggledy?"
That's outside my photo lexicon. :lol:
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Inactive Member
It might be a local problem with your device, because as you can see, I was able to upload the photo of our dog, Blossom - and have it stay upright.
Just to check that your account is OK, I'll Become You again and load a photo from my computer.
Stand by . . .
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Full Member

All good.
Staying on the thread Kevin.

Inactive Member
Your account seems to be working OK from here, Kevin.
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Full Member
Staying on the thread Kevin.

Full Member
Staying on the thread Kevin.

Inactive Member
Is that what you mean?
Inserting images is simple. Use the button in the Post Reply pane - "Insert existing photo from Gallery."
That's only necessary when you have already uploaded them.
What you should do is use the "Upload new photo for insertion" button when you are replying or posting.
Then it is inserted at the same time automatically.
Port Elderley
Port Elderley
Legacy Member

Legacy Member
Now all I have to is remember what I did.
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