A mix of fortunes
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WELL, 3/4 of an hour in the Dr`s and basically, its comes down to this:- you should not do a check daily as these can vary grately, also, as far as foods go, it`s a case of a little is better than loads, no surprises there then!!:roll:; what you can place in the PALM of your hand is given a portion, DO NOT USE benecol as, its dear and shows no extra benefits, low fat spreads best, Flora type, very best oil is Rapeseed oil as polyunsaturates which are the baddies are more or less non existent, so, to use this oil with potatoes and the like, put a teaspoon full in a bag and then add contents and shake to cover and cook as per, this is the given way, for chips, oven type or, chips that can be done in the oven, again, the PALM rule is used.
Exercise i can not do as such but, a few walks will help as such, drinking is that you can use semi skimmed milk and sweetener replacements, i use Lidl brand sweeteners and the loose powder for cornflakes and in my taste, tea, also, wholemeal bread two slices only; two sausage at one meal not cheap and fat filled!!, eggs, two only per day, plain rich tea biscuits, love these!!!!, per day, fruit AOK, but like potatoes palm size and one or two per day, AS SUCH, BE SENSIBLE!!!!.:lol:
We will all have to go for a retinal photo test for Diabetes, and this is different from the one you get at the opticians plus they give the drops to see better at the back of the eye, ( no big deal, been there done it!!!!!), first may be at your Hospital then on wards your Dr`s, O, and you could be placed on the support group which takes around 4 months to get sorted so, long wait their then.
Urinating problems, and at night, tiredness, itching in the mmmmmmmmm, personnel region thrush type, taking longer than normal healing of cut etc, wanting to drink more, are, the most upfront symptoms, others can be had, mmmmmmmmmmmm, can`t think of anything else at the moment let you know excepting go to Diabetes UK site, its the gold standard for those getting it and those who have had it for some time, and, i hope these ramblings help ifso, and i recall more, if wanted, i will.
All the very best mate and let us know how your visit and info differs or same as to what i have been told!!!;-)
Very best regards………….Tom…:);-):cool:
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sounds about right so far. I have my appointment with the diabetes nurse on Thursday the 2nd July. the day after returning from my full fat holiday.
I expect she will organise the eye test and speak in more detail with regards to the diet. I joke ( sort of ) about the full fat holiday but realistically I will allow myself that period to enjoy a less strict regime until my return and visit to the diabetes nurse ( even the doctor suggested the same ) still no harm in experimenting with different healthier food types whilst on holiday as its the ideal place for trying out different fish and sea foods etc. My taste to date has been simple and bland ……. oh yes …….and unhealthy.
The symptoms…..yes, they are all familiar and some easier to live with than others. My immune system to cuts and general viruses was already non existent as I was already on Metatrexate. A tablet I am on for life due to a bout of campalabactor ( food poisoning ). Nothing to do with SWMBO's cooking I better add. ( behave Matt ). so …….. I need to take extra care as when I get something……. I get it.
My fitness level is not great for someone my age but I do sit behind a desk for a fair bit of my time. However, no excuse for not making the effort in the evenings and / or the weekends to get out for a walk. AND ……. that is all it needs. We don't need to be athlete's.
By all means, whatever else you learn of the subject and on going regime feel free to share it as I will with yourself. We can have a right good moan together whilst we reminiss over black pudding rolls and mince pie suppers. I hope that you are, like myself, still uninhibited when it comes to continuing with our hobby as its probably one of the greatest things that can cheer you up and give you something to look forward to.
Keep in touch

Full Member
It works, lost nearly a stone of unwanted fat and the BP is down to a manageable level.
But enjoy your holiday, last time I was in Cyprus they started a war and I spent 3 weeks on a C130 backwards and forwards to the island!!
Proper Preparation makes for Perfect Performance!!
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I hope it wasn't a noisey one

I have Gypsy and Buddy but unfortunately they can only cope with small walks these days as they are both getting on and have various problems with their legs / rear ends so over walking them is not an option. However reasonable walks are still on the cards.
Just shows you though how so many of us are being claimed by the same culprit. Almost makes you feel normal.

Now …….. get the smoked sausage and chips on …….. I'll be round in five minutes.:thumbs

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Proper Preparation makes for Perfect Performance!!
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Will do :cheers:cheers:cheers
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Tom think about borrowing someone else s dog to go walkies with you. bound to be someone you know whose dog doesn't get enough walking . The other option is to re kindle your other Hobby, get the camera and go chasing wild life and no I don't mean the Edinburgh NIGHT life … you stay away from THAT with your long lens

cheers Matt
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That's a thought. I could always do parts of the team route. That wouldn't take long

And then of course, there is always slate ford and Kingsknowe stations.
Mmmmmm you might be on to something there.

Inactive Member
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I'll try and make a bit time for the camera when I get back. I have been threatening to do a tram shoot for a while now so maybe that's the starting point.
happy snapping.
Full Member
Very best regards to all……………..Tom….:);-):cool:

Full Member
Hope the scan goes well next week and I got rid of my old shed in January this year and a new shed and layout built since, exciting times!!
Proper Preparation makes for Perfect Performance!!
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Good luck with the scan. Let us know how you get on.
Have fun with the timber build and get the photos flowing.
Full Member
Well, had my retina test, not much to say on it as its just like the opticians tests you get, as such; all clear their, now i find i have a slight hernia, but, NOT, where i had thought so, i have one that`s of little worry as they say, but where i looked at, they are sending me for an ultra to as they say to, " prove to me their is nothing wrong their, no lump bumps etc etc", are well:roll:;-)…
O YES, and i have reduced my weight from 18 st to 17.5 -/+ so am happy in that point, this over about 4 weeks, not to bad;-)
All my best and regards…………….Tom………..:);-):cool:
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I've lost two stone over the last couple of months. I did not feel it but was weighed at the docs last week and sure enough. They are going to monitor it though as there was no apparent reason for the loss. If anything I was eating and drinking more rubbish than normal. So I need to watch that it does not go into free fall. I'm currently 13.5 stone and still want rid of another 2 stone but in a controlled manner.
Anyway, glad to hear that you've got a handle on things.
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Cheers, Gary.
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Cheers MIKE
I'm like my avatar - a local ruin!
I'm like my avatar - a local ruin!
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