A mix of fortunes
(In Topic #11021)
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I'd recently been at the docs with a couple of issues. I had some blood and urine tests done and initially the a Doc was looking into my prostate.
I got a call from the a Doc whilst at my work yesterday and was asked to make an appointment. I think the prostate has been ruled out ( at least I think ) which is good news but unfortunately have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I am assuming that it's not in conjunction with any potential prostate threat so good news and bad news.
I'll find out more at my appointment on Monday. At least I know why the constant tiredness has been playing such a big part recently.
Onwards and upwards:pedal

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Fingers crossed.
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I've got the enlarged prostate as well, two lots of tablets for that, along with statins, cholesterol, aspirin, and others, forgotten what most of 'em are for.
One good thing, there are now sweeteners that don't leave that awful aftertaste that you get with aspartane and saccharin. Tesco's own brand in the yellow tablet dispenser or in granular form are cheaper than the branded ones, except when there's a BOGOF on them.
Cheers MIKE
I'm like my avatar - a local ruin!
I'm like my avatar - a local ruin!

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Type 2 Diabetes seems to be on the increase - I was diagnosed as "borderline" for Type 2 a couple of months ago so they keep taking an armfull of blood to see what the sugars are up to.
I understand it's relatively easy to control by medication and diet - at least in the early stages - and doesn't often require jabs. Why it should be on the increase, heaven knows, but it is, and at quite a rate too.
Let us know how you get on. :cheers
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I'll follow your lead with the Tesco sweeteners Mike. Wild horses could not drag me and espartane together. Banned in the USA.
I have a friend who was very unwell indeed as a result of espartane. We are talking life threatening here. Lost half a lung umongst other things. I appreciate that all products have people who are less tolerant than the average though but it just sticks in my mind.
The Tesco jobs if they don't have the after taste sound like the biz. I've already started looking at ways to eat healthier ahead of what the a Doc is likely to tell me. Then there's the fags ………. Oh boy. Interesting mood swinging times ahead for someone who can already be a nippy sweetie.

I don't know how bad my condition is yet but hopefully it's mild and can give me a better chance to get it under control. As I said, I'm hoping the initial Prostate investigations have proved negative. I did not clarify that on Mondays call as I was a bit taken aback with receiving the call ……. Wasn't expecting it at all.
Never mind, I shall secombe to doctors advice.

Inactive Member
All the best with the Doc. These things these days are treatable and controllable. At the moment it`s playing on your mind and your`re having negative thoughts. Concentrate on other things like your railway to take your mind off it. The Doc will have a plan for you and all will be good. If you have to make adjustments to your lifestyle it will be for the better and soon you`ll be full of energy.
:cheers Gormo
"Anyone who claims to have never made a mistake, never made anything!!"

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Born beside the mighty GWR.
Born beside the mighty GWR.
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I've been my own worst enemy over the years as I have over indulged in everything that I should not have. I have a horrific diet regime and its coming home to roost. Time to behave now and play the game. I'll find out the full extent on Monday and that will give me a good idea of what I am dealing with.
The hardest part is the fags ……… they really do need to go now but one thing at a time. try to take on too much at once and you end up hitting panic mode.
I'll update the news on Monday.

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Turning 50 a few years ago and being told my cholesterol was 7 something along with the mental problems that sometimes follow me around.
I started to look at things from a different perspective!
I want to enjoy the rest of my life I have not been working and still have 15 years left for the Government to enjoy my money, I WANT A LIFE WHEN I RETIRE!
So went back to the gym (Pure GYM) its a 24/7/365 gym and only £15 per month so I have a location in Redditch where I work and one a home, the other-side of Birmingham (North-side).
So when not traveling around the UK & Europe I try to get at least 2/3 session in.
I try to eat as best as I can, but sometimes the weekend encroaches and Red wine and Takeaways are all too easy to reach for.
Its the life style we live or have been forced to live, due tot he fast pace we live in.
On the positive we are all living longer than our grand parents, so its got to be better. I think!
Wishing you Toto and everyone else the best health that we can achieve to allow us to live with the ones we love and perform the interests that keep us ALIVE!
Ian :mrgreen:
Time flies by when I'm the driver of a train
And I ride on the footplate there and back again.
Cooper St.
And I ride on the footplate there and back again.
Cooper St.
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I turn 50 in Feb of next year so it must be that time I think. So time for a change of regime and attitude towards health and to stop taking good health for granted. The Gym sounds a bit scary though. I have one along the road from me, about a fifteen minute walk. I think I'll start with some additional walking after dinner at night and take it from there. The diet and the fags are a given. Major changes required.

Full Member
Everything we like is bad for us. Gradually, as one gets older, one has to give up the "good" things one by one to avoid dying from this or that "over-indulgence". Finally, there's nothing "good" left so "the box" seems far more attractive………….:roll::roll::roll:
Someone once said life wasn't about carefully creeping through the years keeping your head down until you quietly slip away - it's more about enjoying, with much gusto, the years you're given then skidding into the box sideways with an almighty screech - preferably half cut !!!
The choice is ours …………………….:cheers:cheers:cheers:cheers:cheers

Inactive Member
I've just been confirmed as diabetic, it's no shock to me, since my heart attack 11 years back I've been borderline.
Got the enlarged prostate too and various other small problems.
I don't take sugar at all, no biscuits or sweets, it's surprising how fast you can get used to the lack of all those little treats.
I walk every day and will resume trhe gym when my tennis elbow goes away (one of the small things)
I do remain optimistic and am aiming at living until I'm well over the 100 mark.:???:
Just take a while to get over the news and resign yourself to a big diet change, you'll feel more positive in a month or so.
All the best
I used to be normal until my grandson discovered model railways

Full Member
We're just plain badly designed !!! We'd be a marketing man's worst nightmare …………..
Everything we like is bad for us. Gradually, as one gets older, one has to give up the "good" things one by one to avoid dying from this or that "over-indulgence". Finally, there's nothing "good" left so "the box" seems far more attractive………….:roll::roll::roll:
Someone once said life wasn't about carefully creeping through the years keeping your head down until you quietly slip away - it's more about enjoying, with much gusto, the years you're given then skidding into the box sideways with an almighty screech - preferably half cut !!!
The choice is ours …………………….:cheers:cheers:cheers:cheers:cheers
Exactly, Petermac :mrgreen:

Time flies by when I'm the driver of a train
And I ride on the footplate there and back again.
Cooper St.
And I ride on the footplate there and back again.
Cooper St.
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Full Member
P.s, I haven,t mention some of the symptoms you get with diabetes but some are very painfull and can lead to gangrene and amputation!!
Just to end on a happy note. Just be aware. It dosn,t have to be nasty, and type 2 can be got rid of in some cases!
it was already on fire when I got here, honest!
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Well, here's hoping I've caught it in time. I'll work out a plan with the Doc when I see her on Monday and do my best to stick to it. There are loads of tastie alternatives to the crap I presently eat and I just need to be a bit more insistent with myself when it comes to exercise. I work in an office most of the time perched behind a desk. Now and again I get the chance to get out on site for a wander but not nearly enough. That's the nature of the job at the moment and it cant always be changed to suit. There is no reason for not getting out a night though even for a brief walk. Every little helps.
I just hope that I've not left it too late to avoid any of the more serious implications. scary stuff.
Now ……… where's me carrot juice:lol:
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