New member and Delayed uncoupling
(In Topic #14014)
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Delayed uncoupling developments
Hi all,I have recently joined after reading many interesting posts on the site.I am a retired Design Engineer and been railway modelling for as long as I can remember starting with a Rovex battery powered oval and black Princess Elizabeth ! those were the days.
After a house move a few years back which forced dismantling the loft layout I started work on a much smaller layout in a spare room.
To concentrate on this I didn’t rejoin my radio control model aircraft club which I had been a member of for around 12- years.
All for now
Barry T
Last edit: by Barry Taylor
Site staff
I've popped your YouTube links below ? Now I'm off to watch them :thumbs
Wasnie me, a big boy did it and ran away
"Why did you volunteer ? I didn't Sir, the other three stepped backwards"
"Why did you volunteer ? I didn't Sir, the other three stepped backwards"
Site staff
Having watched both of them, they don't explain how it is done.
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.
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Glad to see you made it into the clan
There are plenty of people interested in all sorts of things - wade in and enjoy
Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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Full Member
As Michael says, something interestinb going on there.
If you give me all the gen in a PM, I promise not to say a word - it will just be between you and I ………… :cheers
Site staff
Born beside the mighty GWR.
Born beside the mighty GWR.
Full Member
An interesting post which reminds me very much of the old Brian Kirby method, using a staple attached to the coupler, as described in Gormo’s adaptation at:
. . . and easily adapted for delayed uncoupling:
How about more fully sharing your tension lock coupling development with us, as this is very much a friendly forum where we share our modelling experiences and help one another as much as we can.
At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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Last edit: by Barry Taylor
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Full Member
Thanks Barry…. as I said before, something clever is going on! A very smart piece of engineering and I hope your work develops into sales for you, it deserves to catch on with those who stick to tension locks.Thanks all for the warm welcome and to Matt for putting the links on.
OK perhaps I should explain, if you have seen the fret of parts on eBay these cost a bit to get made after trying different shapes and making some out of small steel washers but I thought it worthwhile.
How it works ? The modified coupling can rotate further than normally because the movement is not restricted by the original straight dropper arm and almost balances in this position as weight either side of pivot is more even.
It can be held in this position by a small strategically positioned magnet.
The uncoupler is a magnet on a sliding carrier, servo, tortoise motor, wire in tube, push rod operated etc.
This raises the couplings when positioned centrally under and below the track and can overcome the small holding magnet to reset.
When moved away to the side of track it does not pull the couplings down until so required to re- couple.
In that I have parts over and seeing other videos as mentioned in replies, as well as shunting layouts over the years I thought I would make available to others.
Cheers and happy shunting.
Full Member
If it weren’t for the existing situation I would probably have a go at a small shunting layout to demonstrate at a local club exhibition perhaps.
In the meantime I must commit to more work on the layout !
Cheers and thanks for your comments.
Barry T
Last edit: by Barry Taylor
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