Layout plans
(In Topic #13508)

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"Any day above the ground is a good one"!
"Any day above the ground is a good one"!

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You don't need to start a new topic for your responses, just click reply at the bottom. Glad you are finding the club helpful already

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I noted that you've said in your profile that you model in OO gauge and I imagine you're looking forward to getting to grips with your 11' x 9' space and need to put something down on paper in order to start the plan development process.
There are of course software options to help, but they can get some getting used to at first, so why don't you get, or print off some squared paper and sketch out a twin main line to fit in your space, allowing for doors, sticky out bits in the room, etc. Alongside this, you can have your wish list of desired features, such as goods handling, small and bulk as may be desired, MPD, passenger services, stock handling (fiddle yard), industry, etc. Then you can start to sketch in the shape and character of a proposed layout. You can take regard of any specific features, man made and/or natural landscapes and once you have something that you are at least half happy about, you can share it here with further questions and get loads of more specific advice.
You can and most probably will chop and change until satisfied. I'm planning how best to use my own space at the moment and have now decided on a continuous twin track following the outside of the room with a lift up section at the door.
It's all good fun and will help test your ideas and ensure efficient operation.
Looking forward to your ideas in due course.
At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)

Full Member
"Any day above the ground is a good one"!
"Any day above the ground is a good one"!

Full Member
"Any day above the ground is a good one"!
"Any day above the ground is a good one"!

Full Member
Its easy to lose sight of the ability to go up if you plan on paper or pc without having a few visions of what you fancy or pictures of prototypes/other layouts you like. There is nothing wrong with pinching a good idea from another modeller although its polite to acknowledge your source if its wholesale plagarism!!
As long as you keep your gradients within sensible boundaries your space could give you two levels
Last edit: by Barry Miltenburg
Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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