Hello from the middle of nowhere
(In Topic #14015)

Inactive Member
my name is Chris and I live in France in a very small village where there are more cows and dogs than people.
I'm a big fan of 00 gauge model railways. I have a lot of Hornby 0-4-0 steam locos and a few little wagons. I'm playing with my trains like a kid (I'm 63 !). I need to learn how to build a real small 00 gauge layout. So I need a lot of help from a great bunch of friends. Many thanks in advance.
Sorry for my poor English… :oops: :oops: :oops:
Last edit: by Chris57

Full Member
Bonjour Chris and welcome to the forum.
Don’t worry about your English, as it’s much better than my French, which has not progressed very much during the confinement.
There’s plenty of help here for you small layout, so let us know if you have anything specific in mind and we’re here to help.
Looking forward to hearing more of your plans when you are ready,
At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)

Inactive Member
Oops ! I forgot to mention that I'm specialized in unfinished layouts.

Last edit: by Chris57

Site staff

Oh and your English is fine! Much better than my non existent French :hmm
Wasnie me, a big boy did it and ran away
"Why did you volunteer ? I didn't Sir, the other three stepped backwards"
"Why did you volunteer ? I didn't Sir, the other three stepped backwards"

Inactive Member

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9C, Hibel Road & Macclesfield Central: 30 May 1941. Various scales
Landscape 1:150, Buildings 1:152·4, 9mm Track 1:159·5, Stock 1:148
Landscape 1:150, Buildings 1:152·4, 9mm Track 1:159·5, Stock 1:148

Full Member

Full Member
As the others here have already said, your English appears to be much better than my "high school" French, although I can understand a lot more French than I can speak.
This is a very friendly and helpful group, with occasional forays into humour too. It's best not to take our wonderful hobby too seriously.
Jeff (or in French, Jeff).
Jeff Lynn,
Amateur layabout, Professional Lurker, Thread hijacker extraordinaire
Amateur layabout, Professional Lurker, Thread hijacker extraordinaire
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Site staff

Born beside the mighty GWR.
Born beside the mighty GWR.

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welcome, I'm sure you'll get lots of helpful advice here so feel free to ask.
For another recent arrival I put the following thoughts together listing issues to consider and it sounds as if they'll be useful for you as well.
Some obvious issues (but not the solutions /answers I'm afraid!) which spring to mind from my own / others' layout builds include.
- Frame-work design style,
- Operating Height(s) -allowing for access / best viewing / ease of operation
- Inclines which will work effectively (if you plan to have them!)
- Insulfrog or electrofrog points/turnouts (+ can you get them)?
- "DC or DCC (that is the question, whether 'tis nobler……")
- Room conditions - temperature / humidity control
FWIW, points are a good illustration of how I would have benefited from careful research and planning before acting!
My decision to go with Insulfrog style frogs was based purely on what I had used before but this proved to have lots of knock-on implications. Now I've managed to live with or manage the issues which are most evident with my little GWR 0-6-0s and other small wheel base locos.
Going electrofrog has its own overheads of wiring complexity concerning power switching which are best understood before deciding, rather than after!
If you know all this much good, but otherwise I hope it helps. Good luck with your project .
Last edit: by Colin W

Full Member
If you hadn't mentioned your English, I'd have assumed you were another British exile living here - nothing in your post suggested you were French so your English is excellent. :thumbs
I presume you buy your stock from UK - as far as I know, there's not much in "OO" available in France - other than the track which is the same as HO gauge.
If you let us know what you have in mind for a layout - "shunting plank", "Inglenook puzzle", "branch line" etc., there will be so much help on here than you'll be overwhelmed - a bit like the Welsh rugby team was ………Scotland is part of "La Veille Alliance" so that result doesn't matter too much. :cheers
Full Member
A warm Aussie welcome to the club! Wouldn't worry about the language stuff too much mate, you will be fine.
Cheers :cheers

Full Member
Thank you Bill. If we can understand each other we're good ! :doublethumb
Oops ! I forgot to mention that I'm specialized in unfinished layouts.
Isn't everyone? :mrgreen:
Welcome aboard

Full Member
Welcome aboard Chris. There are no silly questions here so please ask away. Someone will know an answer. I'm 63 as well and quite enjoy playing trains. You are in good company.
Last edit: by Gwiwer
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