Weathering and ballasting track: plenty on Youtube and this one is as good as any:
At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
Hi thanks for the reply, I think I’ll weather the track first. Then shop around for a suitable colour of ballast. I might use the brown scenic scatter I’ve got on parts of the layout already and put it up to the edge of the sleepers and colour it with grime and oil stains. I didn’t want to go down the route of using gravel and PVA with it being permanent and messy, and once it’s done it would be difficult to take up if a track problem occurred. Ps I’ve seen the YouTube video before, I made a diorama years ago with a loco and wagon on it and ballasted with gravel and pva. I’m familiar with the concept I was just wondering if I could do it another way. I’ll do a test on a spare piece of track. Thanks.
vis ballast mat.
I stuck it down with PVA. I’ve made it look a bit grimy with a dry brushing of black acrylic. I don’t want to ballast the tracks by covering them in gravel and pouring pva on it. I will weather the track at some point with powders.
This was the photo I was looking at - the track seems to be actually set into the ballast rather than sitting on top of it ………… I'm guessing therefore, that this isn't a ballast mat ……….
This was the photo I was looking at - the track seems to be actually set into the ballast rather than sitting on top of it ………… I'm guessing therefore, that this isn't a ballast mat ……….
hi, that’s not my image it’s from google. I was using it as an example of how I wanted to ballast the tracks as it looks ok. But I’m not sure how to do it and what ballast to use.