Track ballasting,- what do others use?
(In Topic #9971)
Full Member
Thinking ahead, there will obviously be a lot of track to be laid, and my thoughts have turned to ballasting, as I'll need quite a bit. I'm aware that there are proprietary brands, some of which seem to be a brownish colour which seems odd to me as in my area at least, the local BR tracks are ballasted with greyish white stone which I'd suppose is either limestone or maybe granite.
We have two cats, so use a fair amount of cat litter of the 'Fullers Earth' variety, and as it's often me who changes the litter, I've noticed how much like the local track ballast this litter is, small scale chippings, the right colour and cheap too, as it's less than a couple of quid for a large bag from Aldi/Lidl!
Has anyone else tried this, or am I just being 'tightfisted' (or original-thinking)?
It is quite absorbent, so using a liquid glue to keep it in place may well result in a 'slurry', but I had also thought about laying the track centrally on 50mm wide double-sided carpet tape, not to hold the track, but to keep the ballast in place. Does this seem like a sound idea to everyone, or should I just go and lie down in a darkened room for a bit!!!?
Last edit: by Sol

Site staff under B - a few threads on ballasting.
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.

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Pig Hill Yard - a small Inglenook shunting layout for my boys, in 00.
Pig Hill Yard - a small Inglenook shunting layout for my boys, in 00.
Full Member
You might also be interested in a small gadget sold by Green Scene to assist with ballasting. It takes the form of a small plastic box which you fill with ballast and push along the track It deposits the ballast evenly, ready for adhesive to be applied. It speeds up ballasting no end. See it here:
Green Scene Model Railway Scenic Supplies
Last edit: by col.stephens

Legacy Member
so i use builders sharp sand dried and sieved to leave a fine ballst,see what your hardware shop has,£ 2.50 a bag will do all your track
my webcam link
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