Layout Town
(In Topic #7014)

Inactive Member
Before I do that, I have to tidy it up a bit. The first job is to complete the landfill around the town buildings.
Here is what they look like; just sitting on the boards.

Now, I cut the wires underneath and remove the buildings.

The base boards were laminated up using layers of 3 mm MDF. The nearest side of the top road ended up with a kerb where there shouldn't have been one.

So I've begun to fair it off with Gyprock flushing compound. It works easily with a scraper and it sands quickly.
Now to let it dry.
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Legacy Member

Inactive Member
At least I'm focused on something - it should get my juices flowing again.
Port Elderley
Port Elderley
Full Member
Do you need to see a doctor ?
What surprise do you have in store for us eh ?
Maybe a " G " layout for the big diesel.

Full Member
In the words of a one-time tennis player - You cannot be serious !!!! It's a great layout and one I know reasonably well through watching your sound demos. Are you sure you wouldn't like to sleep on it before you do any more harm ?
If you have a bad night, what's the postage to France ?…………………….:roll::roll::roll::lol::lol:

Inactive Member
Thanks for the kind words, Peter. There are other modelling enterprises I'd like to have a go at, but room is the limiting factor. Rather than just tear it down, it would be nice to think that it's still running somewhere - and some shekels wouldn't go astray.
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Full Member
Will it all be re-connected and re-built for sale, Max?
Sad to see it go.
Have you made the welders redundant? That was true inspiration.

Inactive Member
Then the groundworks will be filled in, fences erected, driveways etc. It should look very appealing.
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Full Member
Hopefully too appealing to get rid of it!

Inactive Member
Well, the vacuum cleaner didn't get all of the dust which had settled on the trees, buildings, et al., so as the garage is next door I ran a hose in from my air compressor to blow the layout once over. It also blew all of the rolling stock over, it blew the little people off the layout, etc., etc. Now all of the detritis, dust and other fragments are all over my desks, computers - you name it. BUT the layout looks GREAT. :cool:
When I made the buildings, I used rainbow wire but I wasn't disciplined as to which colours I chose. So before I can put them back, I've had to solder new tails on to each cable - black, red and orange - so when I get back underneath I can connect them correctly.
Anyway, here's the first building sitting in place.

Only 13 to go . . . :shock:
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Site staff

Last edit: by Sol
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.

Inactive Member
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Full Member
Just think Max, it's like starting a new layout. :thumbs:thumbs:thumbs

Inactive Member
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Full Member

Inactive Member
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Full Member
Is that the new one, Max?

Inactive Member
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Inactive Member

The holes have been drilled for the cable access and the screws which fix the buildings down.

. . . and here's the other side. A bit more filling and sanding and it will be ready for painting.
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Full Member
What is the building base made out of ? I'm wondering about how you screw them down ………..:roll:
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