L&NWR Collecting Van
(In Topic #5864)
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Just to prove I'm doing something.
Well, just to prove I do some modelling - (and re-write this because the first lot has disappeared when I went to preview - and now copied into MS Word..)..I am in the throes of updating all my horse drawn wagons, carts etc., and adding reins and other practicle harnessing. This has meant the demise of some items which do not match my criteria, but also because I'm easily diverted in my activities (aka senior moments) I seem to have strayed down the path of creating some LNWR Collecting Vans.
The lettering was a little daunting, however I've copied the photo, then into PaintShop Pro and tidied it up. I have then copied that into MS Excel - because I've used this and other spreadsheets at work for so long it just falls to hand, I don't have to think what to do - In Page Set-up I re-size the worksheet to (in this instance) 46% of the original size and print out.
I have added a Poster too, this was Taff Vale Rly and Cardiff, now it says L&NWR and Swansea. The actual length of the printout from the outer edge of the poster to the other side of LNWR lettering is 30mm for the model - even the image below has been resized down from 2,780 to 800 pixels?
I am making a brass sheet cover for the wagon to which the print will be glued, once it's done I will post something, but there are other jobs running con-currently…….
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Is there a rough date for it i would guess around 1900?
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I chose it because of all the red in the poster, to stand out a bit on the Van side - rather than train services etc.,
I was going to use the GWR one with a Welsh lady on it (are there any Ladies in Wales…) but then I saw that the Great Western Railway was in a sort of bow banner and I couldn't be bothered to go to all that trouble to alter it.
I had also been searching for a Neath & Brecon one, but couldn't find it until a couple of minutes ago, must get my filing system sorted….
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I feel the grey captures the atmosphere of the top end of the Swansea Valley very well…

Full Member
are there any Ladies in Wales
of course there are !!!

Stubby47's Bespoke Model Buildings
All photos I post are ©Stu Hilton, but are free for use by anyone.
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- there's nothing in the middle…… well apart from Birmingham City's water supply.
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The hats generally worn by women were the same as hats worn by men at the period.
The tall 'chimney' hat did not appear until the late 1840s and seems to be based on an
amalgamation of men's top hats and a form of high hat worn during the 1790-1820 period in country areas.
Other answers on a postcard please ……..
Inactive Member
Ladies in Wales! Of course there are. Back in the distant days of my youth, I fell for a lovely Port Madoc girl while on holiday there. sigh. A holiday romance and she was very much a lady.

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Brian………………It's so you know where they are after a heavy fall of snow :hmm

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Brian………………It's so you know where they are after a heavy fall of snow :hmm

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