Site speed and loss of post's in "my topics."
(In Topic #21682)
Full Member
Cheers Pete.

Site staff

But as I know next to b…. all regarding websites & forums internal workings, I am as much use as a hair brush for a bald man.
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.

Site staff

Are the posts you get under 'My Topics' your posts Pete, but in the wrong order ?

Breaker of Things

I'll look into it but it's not going to be am easy fix I'm afraid. I ditched the caching to stop it but that had the knock on effect of slowly killing the forum speed.
I'll see what I can do.
Signatures? Where we're going we don't need no stinking signatures!

Full Member
Should have reported it but forgot with everything else that was going on.
Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac

Site staff

While Jay is trying to fix the 'My Topics' button you could use this form that

Start entering your user id in the Author/Submitter field and it will provide a drop down list where you can select your id.
Then select 'search content'.
Search content - Your Model Railway
It may be worth bookmarking the page once you open it in your browser (which is what I've done) so you can always find this form to search for your topics.

Full Member
Its not really a problem for me but I will save the search facility in case I need it - great solution!
Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac

Full Member
No sooner said than done - bloody clever these techy types :thumbs:
Many thanks
Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
Full Member
Cheers Pete.
Full Member
Ed said
Thought the 'my topics' problem had been fixed back in April.
Are the posts you get under 'My Topics' your posts Pete, but in the wrong order ?
From “Post #288,039”, 26th June 2023, 2:40 pm
No Ed, it's not there at all. Sorry for the late reply.
Cheers Pete.
Full Member
breakage said
Looks like reenabling the caching has brought back the old phantom results issue.
I'll look into it but it's not going to be am easy fix I'm afraid. I ditched the caching to stop it but that had the knock on effect of slowly killing the forum speed.
I'll see what I can do.
From “Post #288,040”, 26th June 2023, 4:50 pm
Thanks. No notifications of threads, either.
Cheers Pete.
Full Member
Ed said
Hi Barry.
While Jay is trying to fix the 'My Topics' button you could use this form thatMartin Wynne kindly set up back in April
Start entering your user id in the Author/Submitter field and it will provide a drop down list where you can select your id.
Then select 'search content'.
Search content - Your Model Railway
It may be worth bookmarking the page once you open it in your browser (which is what I've done) so you can always find this form to search for your topics.
From “Post #288,049”, 27th June 2023, 9:17 am
I know I'm not the brightest with things, computers but I can't see any way of book marking. Could it be missing?
Cheers Pete.

Site staff

peterm said
Ed said
Hi Barry.
While Jay is trying to fix the 'My Topics' button you could use this form thatMartin Wynne kindly set up back in April
Start entering your user id in the Author/Submitter field and it will provide a drop down list where you can select your id.
Then select 'search content'.
Search content - Your Model Railway
It may be worth bookmarking the page once you open it in your browser (which is what I've done) so you can always find this form to search for your topics.
From “Post #288,049”, 27th June 2023, 9:17 am
I know I'm not the brightest with things, computers but I can't see any way of book marking. Could it be missing?
From “Post #288,080”, 1st July 2023, 3:39 am
Depends on your browser Pete, but it's normally a star you click on at the end of the address bar.

Full Member
Sorry, I've only just looked at the computer for the first time today. I've been run ragged by my grand daughter (cyclone).
Anyway, your post made the penny drop. I thought there must be a bookmark facility on the site, but I'm still kicking myself since I realised what was meant by bookmarking… doh.
It's done now. thanks.
Cheers Pete.

Site staff


Full Member
When I hit "My Topics", I get a different person each time.
Great way of meeting people though!!
Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac

Full Member
Barry Miltenburg said
When I hit "My Topics", I get a different person each time.
Great way of meeting people though!!
From “Post #288,136”, 7th July 2023, 6:32 am
You must have a special PC Barry, I keep getting the same one, just not me though !
At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)

Site staff

Search content - Your Model Railway

Breaker of Things

Signatures? Where we're going we don't need no stinking signatures!

Breaker of Things

Signatures? Where we're going we don't need no stinking signatures!
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