First Shelf layout - OO gauge
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A shelf layout to fit in the closet
Yes that's the plan Bill. I have already learned a lot!Though I certainly do also have a lot of creativity flowing around…. I have absolutley no shortage of ideas!
My goal is to "Finish" this layout this year, before I can more seriously think about planning something else.
- Darius
Full Member
But I do have a nice big upgrade - I have a workspace now! my previous desk was nice but very small, so I picked up an antique beast for free from Facebook marketplace. It's kind of funny because the last desk was also free from FB marketplace. Now I can leave the layout setup on the desk to work on it (So much for keeping it in the closet). It's been nice, I can just leave it set up all the time and chip away at it, bit by bit.
And that's exactly what I've been doing! It's all pretty much ballasted except for the points now (which I've been putting off). Also finished my scalescenes coal office and some scratchbuilt coal staithes.
I think I'll have to change my plans though. I was going to put the coal staithes and office down in the wedge between the sidings,(above the brake van), but now that I have everything ballasted and am testing the buildings in position, I think it will be too crowded (assuming I want road access, my original plan for a level crossing will also be nixed). Instead, I think I'll put it on the top siding, which is where I was originally planning on putting a goods shed. (Any tips on position? Unfortunately, I think the only logical position is with the back of the building facing the front of the layout).
Now that I'm at this stage, I'm realizing many things that I would do differently next time…. but that's okay! I'll just pivot and keep going however I can.
I'm not sure of what else to put into the little wedge where I was originally going to have the coal setup, it's not very much space to use. Maybe some old ties and bits of track… and I think I might just give the whole layout a more "overgrown/disused" feeling than I originally intended.
I also realized that I'll need to build a ramp from the station platform down to the signalbox/ticket office… Don't want people to jump! I know that my station isn't prototypical by a long shot, but do you think I should put the station building on an angle roughly matching the tracks, or parallel with the retaining wall at back?
- Darius
Site staff
Think the station building looks right where it is, and I agree you don't want to make it all look too crowded.
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Perhaps the wedge could be a bit of 'nature' with a few trees and shrubs. On the other hand a little hut for the maintenance crew could also be an option.
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Apologies for being late onto your thread but I have been somewhat engaged away from YMR for some time and am only really catching up with everything
Firstly, I admire your decision to build something small and simple. I think it was Iain Rice who said in one of his books that we should not build a massive layout to discover that we can't build trees. His point was that a 3ft x 2ft layout will teach you all you need to learn when you build the next layout.
I'm a little uncertain from your trackplan how you intend to shunt into the paltform if there is something beside the coal staithes. Are you planning on passenger coaches - because your kick back/headshunt is quite short?
As far as that little wedge of space is concerned, I would consider a yard crane (Ratio or Wills make a kit - simple to make and a useful addition to any yard)
I look forward to further progress
(Yarslow Model Railway)
Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
Full Member
I can't believe it's been more than seven months since my last post! I'm sorry it's taken so long to come back around, though I've been thinking about it the whole time.
I haven't accomplished much more since my previous post, besides finish the platform ramp and work on the placement of the signal box. Maybe some ballasting too? I can't even remember….
As always, thanks for all your input and opinions, I really appreciate them.
Barry, the siding by the station is pretty useless, it's more for looks than anything else… I guess not so prototypical or actually useful but I guess I just wasn't content with a normal Inglenook, I had to make it a bit extra. Though in retrospect I think a normal inglenook would have been just fine. Though I did measure to see that the autocoach and an 0-4-0 fit into the headshunt…. Not sure how much I'd actually do that.
Anyways, In January I said this: "My goal is to "Finish" this layout this year, before I can more seriously think about planning something else." I think we all are familiar with the fact that new years resolutions aren't always kept…. I have officially given up on "finishing" the layout this year.
Well, I'm getting married in October! So for now, the models have been put back in the cupboard. But don't worry, they will make another appearance, hopefully in the not so distant future. Thankfully my fiancee likes trains :)
I'm very excited for this new chapter in life!
- Darius
Site staff
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Congratulations and best wishes to you and your fiancee.
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Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
Full Member
Anyway, that's wonderful news about your October marriage, only a few weeks away, but don't panic, all will be fine and dandy and I wish you and your soon to be bride all possible happiness and sucess in your lives together.
It is rather good fun you know, difficult and testing at times, but the bride and me have known each other for 52 years now and are as crazy about one another as we ever, so life can be joyful and rewarding.
Felicitations mon ami,
At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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