Signals semaphore and electric
(In Topic #2226)

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It seems that there is also a bracket semaphore signal near the Gasworks Tunnel amongst the sea of colour lights!

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I've seen a few exhibition layouts that have been immaculately presented. Fencing along every yard of the mainline, telegraph poles everywhere (all strung), signals, point rodding, lineside signs and warnings and a huge amount of realistic clutter. No detail has been left unmodelled. The result :question Total unmitigated disaster :exclam:exclam
The layout done like this invarably look like the contents of my odds-and-ends box has been scattered around the layout like confetti. I think you have put your finger on the reason for this when you mention the difference in scale feet as opposed to real feet that the eye sees. If you can see 3 telegraph poles in real life when looking down a straight stretch of line, you bet it will be 10 or more when you look at a model of the same situation. When you multiply this by the number of items that are simularly affected, you see a huge amount of extra bits and pieces at once on a model than on a real railway. The result is just as wrong as if you saw 10 0r 15 telegraph poles alongside 100 yards of real track.
How do you get a balance? Now that's partly down to the skill of a modeller. Experience counts, but trust your eye as to what looks right. I like the idea of placing items with blue tac or plasticine for a while and getting the feel of the scene and moving them around for a while before finally deciding.
One thing is certain, you can't model everything you see on the prototype at the correct scale distance apart, so space things out a bit. We rarely see lots of detail more than 25 yards away, so sometimes when modelling over a significant distance less really is more.

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Last edit: by rector

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