Scalescenes Garage/Workshop
Full Member
OO gauge kit completed and installed on "Jencaster"
Could be the start of the ministry for funny walks.Edit: I'll try that again. :oops:
Last edit: by peterm
Cheers Pete.
Full Member
Your wife could get a beautiful tan and I promise to drive carefully while you're rolling around in the back of the van. :)[user=1120]peterm[/user] wrote:Now there's an offer I couldn't refuse!!!! my wife might have something to say about a train modelling trip for a few days/months!!!I can see either the AEC or Bedford suiting the role very nicely. What about a scene where I kidnap you and bring you to Oz to work on my excuse for a layout. :)
Holiday to Oz, some modelling with some great folks and all i need to do is agree to be tied up, thrown in a van with a hood on and dont say a word to anyone - some people pay good money for that sort of thing!!!
Cheers Pete.
Full Member
Could be the start of the ministry of funny walks. :)Thank goodness i am not a surgeon then. Who knows where things would end up!!!!
Cheers Pete.
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