007.1 Schedules........... Tutorial Layout Stage 1
(In Topic #5453)

Full Member
The layout prior to setting up schedules
TUTORIAL LAYOUT STAGE 1If you have been following the tutorial stage by stage your YMR layout should look like this:

Note that I have continued to apply the convention of numbering the blocks with the same number as the contact indicator.
If you are wondering what happened to Block 658. I have deliberately left it in abeyance because later I want to add a relief loop near the halt to allow more complicated schedules and prove how easy it is to reconfigure a RR&Co switchboard.
If you are having any problems please PM me or post a general query. When we are setting up schedules it will be so much easier for you if we are talking about the same layout…….then once the lessons have been learned you can move on and apply them to your own layout
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