005.4 Train Sets using V 7.0 Silver
(In Topic #6459)

Full Member
The Silver differences in BLUE
Before we can create a Train Set we need to set up some specific Carriages or Wagons
From the main menu select [[TRAIN][CREATE TRAIN]

The Engines and Trains window appears with a new entry

Right click on the Train1 Icon and select PROPERTIES] [GENERAL]

Just as with Engines there is a drop down menu for appearance and you can choose the most appropriate icon from a VERY limited selection of 1 as shown or you can set up your own using Train Animator…….which I have HAD to do. Actually it is very easy. Just take a photo of your engine and/or train, upload it to the PC. Start Animator and a couple of clicks later you can have:-

[For the Silver version as you have to set up the train from scratch. I have pasted an icon for the 2 car suburban service with my loco73. The engine is added by selecting the ENGINES tab.

Actually Silver calculates the train speed itself based on the weight. I already have this engine set up with a maximum speed of 50mph. Going back to the General Tab, we need to adjust the length to include the engine, and then by adding some weight we see the speed drop to 38mph.

So in Silver we now have the train complete already.
Once a loco or car becomes part ) a trainset it will no longer show as available for inclusion in another train set. I don't think that is true in Silver, but I am not sure yet. The HELP file says that when a train is at standstill in a block it is assumed to be disconnected so that individual engine(s) can be driven independently. So it sounds as if either the train or the engine can be selected and driven.
So having created our first train we are ready to send it on its way.
Use the Assign Train option to place in in Weston P1……remember to activate the contact indicator…..ensure all other contact indicators are inactive.

So this is where the train should be…….if its facing the wrong way…… right click on the block and select [REVERSE TRAIN ORIENTATION].
…..In Gold however if the engine is facing the wrong way you can select the Train Set in Engines and Trains and then [TRAIN SET]
[ALTER TRAIN SET] [TOGGLE DIRECTION] In Silver you have to make a new icon for the train and engine and change the selected one.
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