003.1 Connecting to more than one Digital System
(In Topic #6439)

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Some existing Digital Controllers do not currently support feedback from items such as occupancy detectors for example.
The ZTC controller is an example of this. However, TC accepts multiple digital systems connected at the same time. The procedure is just as John has detailed above, except that it is repeated for each additional system connected.
In my case, I first physically connect the ZTC to the PC. It has a USB interface and a specific driver which is loaded before running up TC. I then select ZTC from the list of Digital Systems as shown in John's first illustration above.
Then, as is mentioned in the TC help file, TC automatically finds the USB interface and lists that as an option within the list of COM ports - it is listed in second place immediately after "offline". I select this USB option.
Now comes the second system. I use the LDT HSI-88, which is an s88 bus interface device. A USB version is available, but I have an old one which just has a serial interface. My laptop PC is plugged into a docking station which provides for the old type COM1 port, so it is an easy matter to connect the LDT HSI-88 into that port.
So I then just go back into the dialog box for Setting Up Digital Systems and click on ADD. This brings up the list again so that I can select the LDT HSI-88 (which is lower down the list), followed by COM1. It is then shown as system (2).
TC is then quite clever if these systems are connected BEFORE creating the Switchboard. As I add elements to the Switchboard, TC automatically chooses the correct digital system. For example, if I add a turnout, TC will assign the ZTC system to it; but if I add an occupancy detector, TC will automatically assign the LDT system to it.:thumbs
Just one other point that I have learnt in connecting digital systems is that if I intend working on the Switchboard with my laptop NOT connected to the layout, then it is useful to change the digital systems connections to "offline" in the Setup Dialog Box BEFORE turning TC off and removing the laptop.
If I forget to do that, then the next time I start TC up, away from the layout, it takes an age trying to re-establish the digital connections before finally giving up and concluding itself that we are offline. Not a problem, but frustrating if I want to quickly look at something.
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