St Agnes Railway
(In Topic #4603)
Full Member
If I were to rebuild it, I would like to have the actual separate stations and wider curves for longer trains etc but the operating would probably be about the same as it is now.
Hope you find something different about it that you like or enjoy - then follow the links
Last edit: by xdford

Full Member
'You may share the labours of the great, but you will not share the spoil…' Aesop's Fables
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" - Benjamin Franklin
In the land of the slap-dash and implausible, mediocrity is king
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" - Benjamin Franklin
In the land of the slap-dash and implausible, mediocrity is king
Guest user

If that is what 600 trojans means, load 'em up!
Guest user
They are free webspace and digitalzones has many many thousands of sites on it
Trevors site itself is perfectly safe but among the 1000`s of digitalzones sites your Norton notices some are naughty so it brings up the alarm bells.
Real World if you go to Trevors site i very much doubt from there you would go trawling through other sites on their servers even if you know their address.
So really its an over zealous protection package
Guest user

Inactive Member
Trevor's site is perfectly fine, as is the layout. The electrics and such are second to none. I actually love the throttle he is using. VERY nice to use, and realistic to a tee!
Thanks for sharing Trev!
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This message was most probably composed on my iPhone. If not, it will have been composed elsewhere. All typos remain, the fault of the space time continuum, & will be dealt with accordingly. Which may or may not involve a brick.
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