Hornby Midland Compound Upgrade
(In Topic #13866)

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Comet Chassis, convert to Fowler type & super-detailing the Hornby Railroad body
Once upon a time……To compliment my recent additions to my coaching stock (built 4 x "Sheffield" Ratio suburban coach kits) I decided I needed a Compound as motive power (as identified in the loco listings at Millhouses in 1939).
I found a GEM Midland Compound kit on Ebay and purchased it. Reading that the chassis are usually white metal and not great, I went ahead and ordered a Comet etched one instead.
When I received the chassis, the instructions informed me that the chassis was to fit the Hornby model (40mm wheelbase) and not for scale models with a 38mm wheelbase. Darn it……
Rather than re-sell the chassis, I decided to buy a used Hornby body from Ebay and buy a set of Alan Gibson mainframes for the GEM model. So, after letting go of a whole £7.50, I received a black Hornby Midland Compound body (1072) in the post.
I had a set of drawings of the LMS Compound 4-4-0 and decided that I quite liked to have one of those rather than a Midland version. I already had the 6'9" wheels (Markits) which came with the GEM kit so I was part way there.
I set about the body with my trusted razor saw, modelling chisel and blow-torch, and then began re-building it as the Fowler LMS type.
Body modifications to date;
Removed moulded detail such as boiler bands, handrails etc except rivets, wash-plugs
Fitted handrails to cab side and back of cab, along boiler (secured with split-pins), smokebox side and front (.45mm brass rod)
Exhaust valve moved to left and replaced (Alan Gibson w/1mm brass rod & tube)
Lamp irons installed on front end and on smokebox door (.45mm brass rod)
Cabside numbers removed (soft fibre glass scratch brush)
Fowler dome and chimney (Alan Gibson)
Replaced Ramsbottom safety with Fowler type (Markits with old WM base)
Replaced cab roof hatch (scrap brass)
New reversing lever (made from spare sprue)
New Westinghouse pump (Markits) w/.33mm brass rod as pipes)
New buffers (Alan Gibson sprung type)
Removed moulded Coupling "hook" from buffer and installed coupling plate (Brassmasters) ready for Screw coupling (MJT etched)
Replaced moulded boiler bands with Wizard coach roof tape (0.5mm)
To do:
Remove manufacturer plates under smokebox (replace with etched ones from 247 Developments after painting)
Re-spray Black
Fit decals, coupling, glazing, safety valves etc
Paint cab interior and backhead
Build chassis (kind of important I suppose)
Find/build appropriate tender

Ian Lancaster
Please visit my OO Gauge 1930's LMS layout "Jencaster"
Please visit my OO Gauge 1930's LMS layout "Jencaster"

Full Member
Having read your opener about buying the GEM kit, only to discover that most of the bits needed replacing, I wonder if I am making a mistake in tipping you off that just such a loco is offered RTR by Bachmann …………………. :pedal

I think I've said earlier in your other threads that I envy you your skill in tackling such a project and really wish I had both such skill and the patience. The end results are usually wonderful.
I'll be following this with interest.

Full Member
The best bit, which made me laugh a little is that the GEM kit is also wrong and uses a 40mm wheelbase rather than a scale 38mm so the Comet chassis would have worked just as well. However, i am sure i can mod the footplate to make it more accurate and use the Alan Gibson mainframes. Its only 2mm difference after all.
Ian Lancaster
Please visit my OO Gauge 1930's LMS layout "Jencaster"
Please visit my OO Gauge 1930's LMS layout "Jencaster"

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Last edit: by georgejacksongenius

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Ian Lancaster
Please visit my OO Gauge 1930's LMS layout "Jencaster"
Please visit my OO Gauge 1930's LMS layout "Jencaster"

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Ian Lancaster
Please visit my OO Gauge 1930's LMS layout "Jencaster"
Please visit my OO Gauge 1930's LMS layout "Jencaster"
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Cheers Pete.

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Ian Lancaster
Please visit my OO Gauge 1930's LMS layout "Jencaster"
Please visit my OO Gauge 1930's LMS layout "Jencaster"
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Cheers Pete.

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Same frustration here, I have three builds waiting wheels. May go with Gibsons.
©Nigel C. Phillips

Full Member
Gibsons will be my fall back option. Ultrascale are very pricey and can take a while to arrive as well. AGW arw usually very quick. The main issue with AGW is the tyres pulling off the centres when using the wheel puller and the crankpins distoring in the hole when soldering up the retaining nuts.Hi Ian,
Same frustration here, I have three builds waiting wheels. May go with Gibsons.
Ian Lancaster
Please visit my OO Gauge 1930's LMS layout "Jencaster"
Please visit my OO Gauge 1930's LMS layout "Jencaster"

Full Member
Still need to find a tender though. Probably end up with a Comet kit from Wizard!

Ian Lancaster
Please visit my OO Gauge 1930's LMS layout "Jencaster"
Please visit my OO Gauge 1930's LMS layout "Jencaster"
Full Member
Cheers Pete.

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Ian Lancaster
Please visit my OO Gauge 1930's LMS layout "Jencaster"
Please visit my OO Gauge 1930's LMS layout "Jencaster"

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Join the club.I got lots of practice with lines when I was at school !! :hmm :cheers

Cheers Pete.

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Last edit: by IanLMS
Ian Lancaster
Please visit my OO Gauge 1930's LMS layout "Jencaster"
Please visit my OO Gauge 1930's LMS layout "Jencaster"
Full Member
Cheers Pete.

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Ian Lancaster
Please visit my OO Gauge 1930's LMS layout "Jencaster"
Please visit my OO Gauge 1930's LMS layout "Jencaster"
Full Member
Cheers Pete.
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