The trains really move!
(In Topic #10398)

Full Member
Some of my video clips
To begin this topic I'll post one of my rake of CDA china clay hoppers which now number 20. Normally hauled by a class 37, sometimes two in multiple, on this occasion a class 50 was pinched from main-line duties.The weathering is all mine though some of the wagons have a spray of beige (why beige?) underneath applied at the factory. Some of the wagons could do with more dirt - all things in time!

Last edit: by Gwiwer

Site staff

Is that a reflected watery backdrop quest:

Full Member
It's a sky back scene with dappled sunlight shining through one of our trees. As the tree moves in the breeze it creates that effect at times on the back scene.
Last edit: by Gwiwer

Site staff

Looked really good, atmospheric if that's the right word.Thanks Ed.
It's a sky back scene with dappled sunlight shining through one of our trees. As the tree moves in the breeze it creates that effect at times on the back scene.

Full Member
Turn your sound on and select full-screen mode.

Full Member
By relating the photos to your layout it just reinforces what a great job you've done with respect to scenery.
I think you'd better have one of these.
mind you, I haven't seen a Domen on the layout yet have I?

Full Member
Well - can it or can't it?
I run DC. There are three track feeds spaced about 10 - 12 metres apart and that's all the power input there is. The rest is down to the controller and locos.
First of all a double-header, notoriously difficult to control so I'm told by some in the hobby, tackling reverse curves and an adverse gradient.

Then a respectable brake and stop by a long train which should surely tax the loco's slow-speed control if anything would.

I rest my case!
Last edit: by Gwiwer

Inactive Member
Sorry. Case dismissed. :lol:
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Full Member


Site staff

NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.

Inactive Member
I'll do a test on Notch One over an inch (or 25mm if I can't find my old measuring stick), to set a bench mark.
Back soon.
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Inactive Member
My Accutrack speedometer measured it as 0.5 S.M.P.H. - which is the smallest increment it has.
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Site staff

The slow down and stop looked good to me.
Not sure about the double heading, but how slow is slow :hmm
As sol says, lot depends on the mechanism.
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