Exmoor 2023

Full Member
Totally agree Peter
In the North West we have a number of "local" shows which tend to play it safe and call on small, local layouts. However, being in the middle of the country, I can now get to Glasgow, York, Bristol etc - national shows that are worth making the effort for. (A 2-3 hour drive is somewhat round-the-corner for our Australian friends but it's a long way for us!!!)
Glasgow this year was very good with lots of BIG layouts, plenty of trade support and good demonstrations. The SEC made a great venue (albeit without catering) but I guess when you are billed as a "National", you can push the boat out knowing that you are very likely to get the footfall.
Maybe thats the answer - the small shows will slowly fall away into, more, Open Day affairs and we will have 6 or 7 massive shows each year dotted around the country. Interestingly, whilst we can get to the NEC, Glasgow SEC, York etc, we don't really have a National in Liverpool/Manchester that I'm aware of. Shame…..
Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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