Lamp shades .........................
(In Topic #14452)

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On my main station building, built by Mojo, he had installed grain of wheat bulbs as the wall lights over the doors. I 'm replacing these with LEDs. I need to make lamp shades but haven't yet found anything suitable. The lights will just be the LED with a shade over the top directing the light downwards.
Any ideas please ?
This is the building in question:


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Last edit: by Longchap
At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)

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I'd seen these lights before and largely disregarded them because they're in UK and that generally means hassle and further expense at this end !
However, looking again, 3 things look interesting -
1. Their product No LHM 708 but, at £6 a throw, that would work out fairly expensive given that I'd need 10 or 12 of them……….
2. Their product 707 - about half the price of the above but not sure how much "down light" they'd give. There might be too much spread which would spoil the effect I'm after.
3. Their "building light holders" look very similar to those plastic screw cups used on some furniture (there's an oval cup which clicks into them thus covering the screw). I might be able to fashion something out of those if I mount the cup on top to create a dome effect - the grey cells are grinding as I type ……………. I have loads kicking around somewhere having asked my brother to send me a dozen from UK - he sent me 100 !!!
Thanks for your input. :thumbs

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Guagemaster used to sell a useful range of station platform and building lighting, but I've only been able to source their station wall lamps, so I'll eventually use these new guys, who are a whole lot cheaper.
Bonne courage
At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)

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Peter,I'm looking for ideas for making 4mm scale lamp shades for wall lights …………
On my main station building, built by Mojo, he had installed grain of wheat bulbs as the wall lights over the doors. I 'm replacing these with LEDs. I need to make lamp shades but haven't yet found anything suitable. The lights will just be the LED with a shade over the top directing the light downwards.
Any ideas please ?
This is the building in question:
Have you a prototype in mind? That would be a good starting point and might stimulate ideas for DIY options. All my platform lamps on W-H had LEDs and something passable as the shade.
There are various LED based lamps available on line depending on what you're after.
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Last edit: by Bob K

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Yes, that was my solution but it does depend on the type of shade desired.Peter, I have seen people using tiny washers for lampshades. That may work.

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Bob - washers had crossed my mind but, unless they're plastic or some other non-conducting material, that would create a potential problem in that I'd also have to insulate the LED legs. I understand a coating of PVA would be sufficient but additionally, finding a washer large enough yet thin enough to shape into a sort of "dome" could be difficult. It's worth considering though. :thumbs
Trevor - you'd mentioned sequins although that post seems to have disappeared ……….. :roll: I had thought of sequins and have been looking for something suitable. Thus far, all seem to be too small given the LEDs are, I think, 3mm plus, they're not sufficiently "dished" to cast the light downwards.
Whilst I can't immediately put my hands on any Mojo had used for his grain-of-wheat bulbs, they were a sort of rectangular "trough" affair. I may yet end up making something similar from card but I was hoping to be swamped with ideas that others had used……………… :???: I do wonder what the light manufacturers use - maybe printed versions by the bucket full. Small numbers just wouldn't be economical. I'll see if Shapeways have anything ……………. :roll:

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I must check what tablets come in what package and contract the appropriate illness ……. :lol:
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Graham Long
Engineers do it by design.
Engineers do it by design.

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I played around a bit with card to see if I could cobble something up but it didn't really work.
Thanks for the link to RT Models Longie - nice but they're not the type of shade I'm looking for. I need something rather like a "hood" over a light sticking out of a wall. I think I have an original kicking about somewhere and, if I can find it, I'll post a photo of the sort of thing I'm after. :thumbs
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I can give details if you want to have a go.


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Is The Pope a Catholic ?……………………………………
I can give details if you want to have a go.
Yes please Barry - I'd love to see how you did it ………………… :thumbs
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Eyelet loaded into countersunk hole along with screw nut and washer and when tightened up its flange is reformed as the one on the right.
Lead exit hole was filled and rounded off by adding black paint.
Hope this gives enough info for you to make something acceptable, any problems with shades just let me know as I may be able to supply a few.

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Firstly, that looks like a machine screw with a flat countersunk head ???? Diameter to match the eyelet ?
Secondly - is that just a chunk of steel you've drilled and countersunk as the pattern ?
What are the LED legs painted with or did they come like that ?
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