Platform kits
(In Topic #4257)

Inactive Member
Hi all,Just curious about the the platform kits that are available. Have any of you used them on your layouts? I am just questioning their strength. And if you are cautions, what have you done to strengthen them?
I am thinking of using them on my layout, but I am extremely unsure about their durability as opposed to plastic kits (if I can find one I like).
What have you done?
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We have used them on our Quality Street side of our 00 layout, both of them are over three feet long, and we have also put around 15 lamps on each, with all the wiring underneath, no problems.

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If it helps, I'm just building a platform from Wills Sheets.
Paving sheets for the top, wall edging for the … er … edges and brick sheets cut for the rise.
My platform is the width of the trimmed Wills sheets so that makes things easy.
That's as far as I've got with it but, to refer to your question, it is over three feet long and I can pick it up by one sloped end as I've used scraps to reinforce it.
My next step will be to put a Milliput wash over it to illustrate wear and to conceal the joins.
Don't ask for a picture - it's not up to 'showcase' quality yet.

Full Member
Here's a picture or two of mine, all made out of 2mm card (called greyboard) and scalescenes brick papers.
Cut lots of strips 13mm high was right for me but you need to check as it depends on what underlay if any you use to get the right platform height and don't forget to allow for the thickness of the top. Plenty of bracing strips, I've probably gone over the top here but mine is needed to also keep the curves smooth and consistent.:roll:

Baseboard joint

Top cut and loosely laid, note I have slightly rounded the edges with some sandpaper.

I've used a strip of brick paper to represent the edgings, could just as easily be paving slabs. Before anyone asks they are not painted white because the period I'm modelling pre-dates that practice.

The (almost) finished platforms in place. I will surface them with very fine grit.

Personally I am sure that the platforms would support my weight if I decided to try it (which I'm not going to do) and would have no worries about long term strength or durability. After all Pendon uses card in all their structures.
I hope this helps. Have a go, you know you want to :lol::lol::lol:

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and never warped so far.
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Inactive Member
Thanks kindly for the responses. And Nick, that's an awesome platform kit you have going there. Thank you kindly for helping with feedback, and images also.
I am guessing card kits would not be an idea if the layout was based in an outdoor entertaining area?
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Inactive Member
I was also contemplating an outdoor(undercover outdoor) set up, but not too sure about the practicality side of things there. Indoor of course will probably be my prefered method. We' shal see how we go.
Still in planning stages for now. Thanks again.
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This message was most probably composed on my iPhone. If not, it will have been composed elsewhere. All typos remain, the fault of the space time continuum, & will be dealt with accordingly. Which may or may not involve a brick.
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I had hoped you might be able to see the platforms at Penhayle Bay by now but circumstances have worked against that.
One station has balsa platforms topped with MDF and has never given a hint of trouble.
The other started with Peco plastic which didn't like the large temperature range it was expected to live in and started to bend and bow. It was replaced with Metcalfe card-topped and faced balsa.
The wood is good. The card has repeatedly shifted in the heat and doesn't go back to where it was. Every summer I end up with unsightly gaps and every autumn I resurface the platforms.
I haven't found a satisfactory solution yet. Except perhaps to shift the whole thing inside.
That is my experience. I like the Metcalfe products. I find them easy to work with. The problem is not the product but the environment.
I also use Metcalfe bitumen sheet for roads which has lasted extremely well. After 5 years it has only shrunk back sufficient to be called a trace, much less than 1mm at the joins.
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