Metcalfe Farm Buildings
(In Topic #3500)

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As time goes on, I can see why Bob has used successfully so many Metcalfe Models. Here we're on the way with a Metcalfe Farm Barn. Bit of poetry there! Like the Inn, it's a neat piece of "kit!" So far so good! Needs a little bit of careful thought but so far, so good. For the countryside section of the layout it will be cool stuff. More later ………….. :Happy
Life is just a bowl of cherries!
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Keep the photos coming :thumbs
Which glue are you using ?

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Do a bit more today ….. weather is "….—-….." but I'm thankful for the fact that I'm not back in the classroom facing wet playtimes! or playground duty in the rain. Off to Lidl's instead to but some reduced price wine!
Life is just a bowl of cherries!
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Off to Lidl's instead to but some reduced price wine!
Don't forget mine John, I like a red :roll:

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and ……………….

well ….. t's grey out, the porch workbench area is cold ……. the chance to light the fire …… model …….. use the laptop …… have coffee ….. in the warm study …… and maybe multitask and work on my next watercolour and pen/ink painting as well …… pity Polly wouldn't vacate the chair …… can't have everything!
and …. the lean to …….

and then …….

a little blurry sorry …. next the Tractor Shed; probably at the weekend as it's off to the Museum for Thursday and Friday!
Life is just a bowl of cherries!

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Devon Junction
Kernow Junction
Kernow Junction

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Life is just a bowl of cherries!

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Looks nice by the way, i only use these kits, find them easier to use.

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Life is just a bowl of cherries!
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Don't forget to colour in all the outside corners with a felt tip pen the colour of the building to hide the white card showing :thumbs

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'You may share the labours of the great, but you will not share the spoil…' Aesop's Fables
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" - Benjamin Franklin
In the land of the slap-dash and implausible, mediocrity is king
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" - Benjamin Franklin
In the land of the slap-dash and implausible, mediocrity is king

Full Member

then ………

so to ……

so far so good ……….

well ……

next to fele tip the edges as Alan suggested on the Barn and Shed. Cool stuff! Mind you, rather like when I built an Flatpack unit once, there were a couple of pieces left over … stiff card reinforcers for the nar gable ends and a floor piece ……. such is life ….. sorry guys; just won't make an A+ grade …… always was a right B! :Happy
Life is just a bowl of cherries!
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Last time I was at school a "B" was a pass anyway :thumbs, but it looks like a "A" from me

Full Member
actually pva is all i use, with a bit of selotape for the windows.
Please can you explain the selatape bit Owen, as i am about to embark on a build myself.
Like your build so far, nice building.
Last edit: by phill

Full Member
Ring him up Doug - quickly !!!!!:cheers:cheersHopefully, I shall be doing an up-date/workshop on weathering these great kits with water colours, just got to get Mr metcalfe to talk to me!

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Phill i cut the selotape in thin strips to stick the windows in,easy and no mess…

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'You may share the labours of the great, but you will not share the spoil…' Aesop's Fables
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" - Benjamin Franklin
In the land of the slap-dash and implausible, mediocrity is king
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" - Benjamin Franklin
In the land of the slap-dash and implausible, mediocrity is king
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