The Boness & Kineil Diesel Galaday July 2015
(In Topic #11151)
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Some photo's for Ed
Hi chaps,Not long back from the Boness and Kineil day out with Matt. Its taken a bit of time to sort out some photos but I'm getting there. I'd like to start off with some for Ed as he specifically wanted a few shots of this NCB shunter. I have a number of general shots and a few details. I fear that I may not have the shots that you specifically wanted but if I don't have them here, Matt may have had better luck.
Anyway this first batch is specific to Ed and I shall post up further photo's of class 25, 27, 37, 47, 50 and 55. I also have some miscellaneous shots of platform vehicles and some odds and end.
We asked about copyright etc with the curator and he was happy that it was for general use and no commercial gain so no issues there.
here goes……this is photo heavy.
and there she is.

This wee shunter was in immaculate condition.

No show without punch

The great train robbery or wot.

a couple of details,

The tender

Inside the cab

I hope these are use Ed. We paid a fiver which gives me a years entrance so if there is any other specific details that I missed and I am sure there will be, just let me know because I will be back.
I'll be back shortly with some more images.
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Some of Kelton Fell (no 13 ) next door for comparison

two wagons behind No 42

hope these help Ed and as Tom said , we have year tickets for the museum and I pass it almost every day so any extra shots for you or anyone else, just shout, it will be no trouble at all
cheers Matt ( Back to Tom for the main eve ) :thumbs
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here's some more then.
Lets start off with the mighty Deltic.

and it's ……..

and another,

On shed with a class 37. More about that later.

A thing of beauty with the Finsbury Park tell tale white window surrounds.

and then we move on to the DRS Class 37,

Now, there is a story behind this beast. Apparently this perfectly serviceable loco was in a shunt ( I mean a bump ) and debate roared over whether or not there maybe a kink in the chassis as a result. they could not agree on it so they just scrapped her and donated ( free of charge ) to the Boness & Kineil. She is in great condition…… what a freebie eh.

And another,

and one more…… this time working.

and we move swiftly on to a couple of class 50's ……

met Royal Oak

some Gal,

and her neighbour good nick or wot , Ohhhhh the clag.

one more,

and a bit buffer detail,

before moving on to a Class 31

and another,

Then a class 47…..

and this tired old exhibit……. the class 27 that is,

Oh Oh …… I've broken it …… I'm off.
there are still some more but I'll post them up later on.cheers
hope they have been worth a view.
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" Ehhh wonder whats in here then "

"That looks easy I could do that "

" here we go see easy !"

"WHAT NUMPTY PULLED THAT LEVER !! you just shunted the Deltic into Tesco,s car park!! "

"Sorry I stopped for Milk, Back now "

" Bloomin kids pulling levers "

" HeHeHe cannie catch me i,m up here ! "


Site staff

She's wearing well for a 128 year old.
I bet there's a story behind that dent above the rear driving wheel on the left hand side :hmm
Interesting blue coach in that last picture Matt, so I looked it up.
Nice pictures of the diesels as well, amazing how a Deltic appears just when you don't expect one

Looks like you had a good day and the weather was a lot better than down here.

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Born beside the mighty GWR.
Born beside the mighty GWR.

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Proper Preparation makes for Perfect Performance!!
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glad you like the photo's. The weather held out nicely and only started to get a bit chillier towards the close of the day. There are more photo's to come of some miscellaneous stuff but they can wait.
Don't you worry Ron, my Deltics will be mobile shortly. Its the camcorder I need to get sorted out as still pictures of moving Deltics ain't much good. I'll need to spend the time to get my UTube account up and running.
cheers for now.

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Feel free. Its a beautifully maintained loco as is the Deltic. The class 37 as I said is just ( prematurely ) been taken out of service by DRS and looks in fantastic condition. A real steal for Boness I think.
I have a few more. A couple of steamies I think and some odds and ends. I'll see if I have time to post them later tonight when I get back from the hospital.

Isn't that camera far too modern for Ronnie Biggs ??

Cheers, Gary.
ps A great selection of pics from both of you. Thanks for sharing. :thumbs
Last edit: by Gary
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the camera might be ……….


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It'll remind me to get on with the pug conversion every time I boot up

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You are more than welcome. any images that I post up on the forum are for use by forum members within the realms of the hobby. help yourself.
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I just wondered what on earth it was, being an odd colour with North Eastern on the side.
I thought for a minute it was some sort of four wheel coach conversion, but when I looked it up it turned out to be a BR built ballast brake van, based on an ex LNER/NE design.
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