My Prostate Cancer Journey.
(In Topic #7360)
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My Prostate Cancer Journey.
Or My Journey with Prostate Cancer and what I believe to be God incidents.
In March 2006 out of the blue and after a routine blood test at my local surgery it was found that I had a high PSA reading.
Prostate Cancer was suspected and later after various tests and scans this is what was diagnosed, then followed 30 sessions of Radiotherapy and 36 months of Hormone therapy, and my PSA went right down to 0.1.
During April of 2008 Val and I were attending ‘Spring Harvest’ at Minehead and during the Evening Celebration in the big top and after 30mins of worship comes the speaker.
To tell the truth I have no idea who he was or what the subject matter of his talk was.
He had only been speaking for 5 mins when he just stopped, and said that he believed that God was telling him that everyone was to lay on hands and pray for all those present for healing, for healing of those with cancer.
All I remember is standing up, peoples hands upon my shoulder and feeling very, very hot, you could feel the present of the Holy Spirit.
The rest of the evening is just a blur, but I have felt from that moment that I was healed, I cannot explain it any more than that.
9th September 2011, moved to Devon and joined the Baptist Church, this just has to be a move of God, we are in a place that was just not on our radar, and in a bungalow that does not tick many of our boxes at all.
But we have to pinch ourselves because we are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful area, and in such a friendly, welcoming and joyful Church.
I believe that God has brought us here for a reason, but I have no idea what it is.
Then in November of last year 2010, my regular PSA check showed a slight increase, plus I had a terrible ache in my lower back all over the Christmas Holidays. Doubts then came, and I remember praying during our morning service just after New Year questioning with God what I believed had taken place at ‘Spring Harvest’.
Then up came the next song, ‘Be Still and Know that I am God’ the 2nd verse hit me right between the eyes, ‘I am the Lord that healeth thee’ !
In early January 2011, I had a further blood test, PSA increased again, not good news.
January 26th 2011, visit to the Urologist went much as expected, because increase is small, return in 3 months, does not think my aches and pains are associated with PSA rise.
April 3rd 2011, away on a men’s weekend and received prayer for healing from Graham and Michael, Michael sensed that this disease was not the one that I would die from and that God was going to use Me in some special way!
6th May 2011 PSA test, PSA up again, not good news, await visit to urologist.
7th May 2011, It was hard when I heard those dreaded words, "I’m sorry, but your PSA is up again," it is so easy to go into full panic mode. I began to wonder how long have I got, wonder who will care for Val, wonder how much pain I will be in…and so the list goes on!
It is easy to fall into the Devils trap and wonder where God has gone, or why He has afflicted Me with cancer.
I could wonder, but in the end what I am really doing is worrying.
And it seem to me the real problem is, I am not asking the right questions and I am letting my fears overcome my faith when I ask, or think such things.
For a start I do not believe that God has given me cancer.
It’s a truth that in my position is easy to forget. I believe that God created us for a loving and beautiful world that was filled with plenty and void of pain and suffering. That world changed when man sinned and fell from God’s Grace. So we live in a world with the pain of loss and the pain of suffering.
My condition is simply a part of living in an imperfect world!
I must not pin my misfortunes on God, because God is always working to give us great blessings in life, despite the fallen nature of our world.
I believe God was right there with me when the blood test result seems to show that my cancer has returned. He’s right where He has always been – right by my side, ready to help me through the pain and suffering, ready to bestow His healing touch and blessings.
He is just waiting for me to reach out for Him! And that is what I need to do.
I am going to believe that He is able to be a firm and loving presence in the face of what appears to be a frightening disease.
And I know from my own past experience and His Word is that His strength and power is so overwhelming that He can grant me peace and give me comfort despite the suffering I could and may have to face.
All I need to do is have Faith – and if I have faith, I can overcome its great enemy, fear.
18th May 2011, Visit to Urologist went much as I expected, seeing that the PSA results continue to move upwards.
It seems that there is not much chance of a cure [humanly speaking] and it is a matter of watching and waiting then it will be Hormone Therapy which starves the cancer cells, how long that lasts is unknown. Can be a few years can be many years just depend upon the bodies reaction to the therapy.
Plus of course there are side effects to consider, so I will cross those bridges when and if I come to them, at present it is a repeat test and visit to the Urologist in 6 months.
1st September 2011
An update as to how things are, I feel great we walk an average of 10 miles every week, life is beginning to get busier, and really I feel better now, both mentally and physically than I have for a very long time.
2nd November 2011
My PSA test result is virtually the same as 6 months ago, the Urologist say's the slight increase is insignificant.
The previous rise could possibly be due to healthy cells now producing a little PSA due to the fact that I have been off hormone therapy for nearly 2 years now.
We will only know after a couple of years of stable PSA readings if it is a cure for sure, so its watchful waiting and return in 6 months.
1st May 2012.
Seems my PSA has increased yet again to 0.76, bit disappointed but feel fine, walked 6 miles yesterday on a coastal walk, await tomorrows visit to Urologist.
November 2012
Result from latest blood test is that it has decreased for the first time in 2 years, an answer to prayer? Feel fine still walking an average of 10 miles every week on the moor.
July 2022
Just realised that it is nearly ten years since posted this original message, glad to stay all is still well, my PSA still stays reasonably constant and causes me no problems.Therefore I continue to believe that I am in the hands of Jesus and will continue to trust in Him and what He has already done for me. Also just realised how many people have read my original post 230,461, what an amazing number, I feel humbled by that number and just wonder where they all have come from, I pray that reading it has encouraged many others to consider trusting in Jesus, he is the only one who can make sense of this crazy world we live in, with all it's many problems.
If anyone wishes to chat some more about the above you are welcome to send me a private email, see my profile.
Last edit: by RoyP

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Urologist says that rise is still insignificant and does not prove the cancer has returned or not, continue watchful waiting and in His words "Don’t loose any sleep over it", and that is what I will do.
Therefore I am in the hands of Jesus and I will continue to trust in Him and what He has already done for me.

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Glad you hear from you. :cheers
Port Elderley
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Born beside the mighty GWR.

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Thanks for all your many replies and encouragement. Roy
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Just realised that it is nearly two years since I last posted here, glad to stay all is still well, my PSA still stays reasonably constant and causes me no problems.
Therefore I continue to believe that I am in the hands of Jesus and will continue to trust in Him and what He has already done for me, looking forward to my eightieth in October.
Also just realised how many people have read my original post 138,251, what an amazing number, I feel humbled by that number and just wonder where they all have come from, I pray that reading it has encouraged many others to consider trusting in Jesus, he is the only one who can make sense of this crazy world we live in, including Coronavirus.
Take good care of yourselves,

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Best wishes,
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Fair enough and it's wonderful news, I wouldn't argue with your thoughts but surely deep thanks also remain due to both the scientists and the doctors who developed and knew how to apply your hormone therapy and who played no little part in your recovery?
Last edit: by Colin W
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I am not sure if you are doubting God's involvement or not but all I can say is that, after getting over the original shock and slight panic I gave the whole thing to him whatever the outcome and would be and I can honestly say I never felt depressed, anxious or lost any sleep throughout the next 3/4 years, and as Christian I know deep down where my help came from.
It is not the first time God has intervened in my life, I'm 81 by the way, but 43 years ago I suffered with deep anxiety state and depression for 7 years, it was horrible. At the beginning I was not a Christian but I was 7 years later because He healed me overnight. Prayed for healing one day and totally gone the next, GP was amazed, all my tablets went down the loo.
Hope that helps you understand why I know that what we learn from the Bible is true and I put my trust in Jesus Christ.

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We all believe in something, or someone and, whilst I respect, and maybe envy those with your kind of faith, my Father used to say that anyone who fought through WW2 (as he did - in every theatre the British Army was involved in) could not possibly believe in a "loving God".
I'm with Colin here - whilst your faith certainly helped your state of mind, the medical profession is responsible for your treatment and ultimate cure ………………
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