Members age groups PLEASE VOTE !!!

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I can say that when I was young, I had a broad mind and a narrow waist.
They seem to have changed places. :roll:
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

Full Member
I couldn't find the "active" button, Bill.
I can say that when I was young, I had a broad mind and a narrow waist.
They seem to have changed places. :roll:

Nice one Max. Now filed in my repertoire for future use. :thumbs
Marty - I like your list of "cons" ….rings lots of bells here too. :thumbs

Full Member
Three score and ten this year.
I know nuffin 'bout trains - sept I like American diseasals.
Don't like steamers. Too many flying bits attached to the wheels - get bent when I pick 'em up.
No accountin' fer taste, diseasels is bad enuff, but 'merican ones … … …

Cheers MIKE
I'm like my avatar - a local ruin!
I'm like my avatar - a local ruin!
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Raven - Ed

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Born beside the mighty GWR.
Born beside the mighty GWR.

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Sixty seven next birthday (looming, the wish list is getting longer).[user=269]MaxSouthOz[/user] wrote:Three score and ten this year.
I know nuffin 'bout trains - sept I like American diseasals.
Don't like steamers. Too many flying bits attached to the wheels - get bent when I pick 'em up.
No accountin' fer taste, diseasels is bad enuff, but 'merican ones … … …
American Diesels. As my boss used to say, don't knock it till you've tried it. I used to feel like that about modern North American diesels, then I realized that it's all down to convergent evolution - start off quite different, evolve into design fits function. Early days (diesels were common from the mid-1930's) came up with some interesting efforts (and also some horrendous ones). Plenty of variation to make running them interesting. I'm hooked. I'm partial to the first generation E and F units, followed by the GP and SD developments. Plus Doodlebugs. At least getting a sound decoder and speaker in is usually an easy exercise, even in American N. Which is more than can be said for UK N (and I speak from bitter experience).
©Nigel C. Phillips

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Of course this is not an absolute as there are plenty of younger people involved. The poll suggests that it is not a hobby for anyone in regular work with a family. Again of course exceptions but while there are trains running there will always be plenty of older enthusiasts. I suspect many like me who are bore sensless by football etc?
freelance model railways and tramways

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Do we need to be afraid of Stalin or not ? I wasn't even aware he had a layout …………..:cheers

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I have been modelling & railway modelling on and off since I was 14 so all the ages upto 50 would count for me

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'You may share the labours of the great, but you will not share the spoil…' Aesop's Fables
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" - Benjamin Franklin
In the land of the slap-dash and implausible, mediocrity is king
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" - Benjamin Franklin
In the land of the slap-dash and implausible, mediocrity is king
Full Member
Many may argue that modelling is an old mans hobby but I would argue that it is only an old mans ability to spend more time on the hobby that is different.
I started with Lego, then Lima from an early age. At the moment I have 4 children aged from 18 down to 5 years. I work full time. My time is limited. This means that the model I see members build in a week takes me six months (at least). It does not mean that I enjoy the hobby any less, it just means that I have to have perhaps more patience.
What I find disappointing is that of all the members in this club so few bothered to tick a box.

Site staff

I'll second that.What I find disappointing is that of all the members in this club so few bothered to tick a box.
There have been 50-60 members visiting each day over the last few days, but only 38 have voted.
You don't have to leave a comment, just vote.
It won't change the government, it's just a bit of fun

Perhaps the modes could add a subtitle of 'PLEASE VOTE' or something, to make the thread stand out more :hmm

Inactive Member
How's that, Ed?[user=1779]Chiefnerd[/user] wrote:I'll second that.What I find disappointing is that of all the members in this club so few bothered to tick a box.
Perhaps the mods could add a subtitle of 'PLEASE VOTE' or something, to make the thread stand out more :hmm
Port Elderley
Port Elderley

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Born beside the mighty GWR.
Born beside the mighty GWR.

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NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.
NCE DCC ; 00 scale UK outline.
Inactive Member
I've been doing small amounts of model railway work for over ten years and joined Broadland Model Railway club just over a year ago. By chance BMRC is the same MRC as RAF Coltishall was, which I joined 36 years ago!! RAF Coltishall having closed, the civilian / ex RAF members moved the club after several moves to within a couple of miles of my house!.
So at 58 I'm now seriously getting back into model railways, as my parent's are still alive I should get at least another 30 years out of the layout if government statistics on life expectancy are correct!.
Last edit: by The Q
Now I've finally started a model railway…I've inherited another…
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