EFE N Gauge J94
(In Topic #21734)

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decoder woes
Hi , I have just received the loco in the title and have a problem I need some advice with , I ran it for the half hour in each direction as is recommended and it impressed me very much so I then removed the cab and tried to fit a Zimo MN170N decoder but it would not fit in the available space the pins on this decoder are quite long so I shortened them as much as I dared and it then almost fitted but not quite , I decided to give it a DCC address and ran it without the cab and I was even more impressed as it crawls slower than the laziest Snail and it was equally good at higher speeds .I decided that to get the decoder into the cab I would need to lose the 6 pin socket and solder the wires direct to the pins but i'm puzzlled as to how to proceed as the are just 4 wires utilising 4 pins they seem to be in 2 pairs with each pair consisting of a Black and Red ,on the underside of the socket you can see 4 solder joints 2 of which are marked M+ and M- withe the other pair marked + and - the 2 centre pins appear to be unused and I guess that's because the Loco being steam has no functions am I correct in my assumptions that only 4 pins are used ? .

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Yes, I think that only 4 pins are being used. I have hard wired decoders into 00 and 0 gauge locos but not N. Should be the same though, the convention is standard for DCC.cluncker said
Hi , I have just received the loco in the title and have a problem I need some advice with , I ran it for the half hour in each direction as is recommended and it impressed me very much so I then removed the cab and tried to fit a Zimo MN170N decoder but it would not fit in the available space the pins on this decoder are quite long so I shortened them as much as I dared and it then almost fitted but not quite , I decided to give it a DCC address and ran it without the cab and I was even more impressed as it crawls slower than the laziest Snail and it was equally good at higher speeds .I decided that to get the decoder into the cab I would need to lose the 6 pin socket and solder the wires direct to the pins but i'm puzzlled as to how to proceed as the are just 4 wires utilising 4 pins they seem to be in 2 pairs with each pair consisting of a Black and Red ,on the underside of the socket you can see 4 solder joints 2 of which are marked M+ and M- withe the other pair marked + and - the 2 centre pins appear to be unused and I guess that's because the Loco being steam has no functions am I correct in my assumptions that only 4 pins are used ? .
From “EFE N Gauge J94 ”, 23rd September 2023, 5:23 pm
Here's a tutorial from DCC Concepts:
A-DCC-Advice-12-Decoder-Wiring-Colour-Codes-Connectors-and-More-2014.pdf (dccconcepts.com)
There are videos if you search yourself.
Again I have no idea what your installation looks like, always better to post a picture. Others with N experience may have a better answer.

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The +/- connections will be to track and should be black/red. So use the multimeter to confirm continuity from the connection on the board to wheels that have pickups.
Should be all there is to it. The really critical thing is to get the wires to the right place. As I look at the picture I find it difficult to tell which wires are red or orange. Same for black and grey. If you are confused you will need to do more disassembly to gain access to the motor and trace the wires. Don't put power on until you are sure.
BTW, just looking at YouChoos. The MN170 is 12x8.6x2.3. The MX615 is much smaller at 8.2x5.7x2.
Last edit: by Brossard

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The tutorial provides advice on which pickup wire goes to the left and right. Be sure to read the cautions.

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cluncker said
The loco in question is a Bachman N gauge 4 MT tank ,i've tried a Lenz silver mini the ESU and a CT Elektronik and it still fails to perform as I need on DCC ,on DC it's fine but it just does'nt seem to like DCC I intend to sell it and emphasise that it does'nt like DCC , the J94 is intended to replace it and should do a better job than the 4MT as it ill be confined to sidings under traincontroller control .
From “Post #288,745”, 24th September 2023, 4:06 pm
Well, I have no experience with N locos so really can't offer much. If you haven't already done so, you could try playing around with CVs to try to tune the performance. Start voltage, acceleration, those sorts of things. Have a look through the manual. Check other forums because chances are if you have the issue, others do as well and a solution may present.

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I went to New Zealand on holiday once and I was very impressed. Temperate climate and no pests.
I have travelled to the UK many times for work and really enjoyed the chance to explore Hobby Shops and Railway meccas, like York, Steamtown in Carnforth and Severn Valley. I have to agree with your aunt though, UK has got too congested and very expensive, or at least that was my take when I was last there some 20 years ago. I could never go back to live. Now, of course most of the Hobby shops are gone, as they have here. I don't mind because I can get my British stuff quite readily on line and delivery times are quite good.
I had an old friend who came over a few years before we did but never went back. He was also a railway nut and used to tell me how, if he ever got some money, he'd go over to tour all the Hobby shops. I think his picture of the UK was fixed at the time he left, the 1960s. He would have had a shock I think, not least because Hobby shops were vanishing. He's gone now sadly.

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I've used 6 pin Zimo decoders and have de soldered the pins and soldered the wires directly. You should have a Zimo sheet that came with the decoder that shows which pins to solder to. If not, you can go to the Zimo website and it will show you on there.
The MN170 is the replacement for the MX617.
Cheers Pete.

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