Difficulty posting


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Breaker of Things
breakage is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

1st time using new software

Claus Ellef said

Keep getting 'critical error' trying to read posts and to do a new post in'Wombat Creek'. Glad I have a lot of patience, but it is running thin!

Hey Claus

Absolutely appreciate the frustration, trust me it's 10x as frustrating my end as every time i think I've cracked an issue either another crops up or it comes back again. For a little context, the forum software we are using went through a dry spell in terms of updates as there were some changes to the company that make it. There's now been a couple of software releases in quick succession which addressed some of the issues. Along with that I dug into their documentation and found some suggested tweaks to improve performance on larger forum sites (as we don't archive old content we have quite a large data footprint).

While i know it doesn't always seem like it from a user perspective, when the site just seems broken, I've been making regular tweaks and changes in the back end trying to address the issues and it's been slowly decreasing the number of things that have been going wrong.

Whilst it's a little painful at times I'm hoping that this work is putting us on a path to stability and a reliable front end to the forum.

We appreciate that folks keep using this place even with the issues and we are listening to everything that gets raised, sometimes it takes a while to fix them and sometime i genuinely don't know how to fix it and I'm just trying different things to see if they help.

Please stick with us, we'll get there.


Signatures? Where we're going we don't need no stinking signatures!
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Thanks Break!
Appreciate all the work.
overall, the site is definitely working better than it was a few weeks ago!
keep it up

- Darius
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Hey Break,

Thank you for your latest post. I don't know much (anything probably more true) about programming, but I am more optimistic about the future of the website. My patience is growing thick again and I will soon post more news from Wombat Creek. 👍


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