Potential "N" Scale time waster................
(In Topic #21967)

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Do I really want to mess with "N" Scale ?
Some of you may have read that I recently acquired a section of an N Scale layout. Not too much of it - just 1 corner I think but I liked the idea of running long trains again - I could on Maxmill Mk 1 but Maxmill Mk 2 is only about a third of the size.Those of you already modelling in the scale will know the advantages of it in that, in this case, size really does matter if one wants to run trains of a reasonable length - particularly main line trains.
On the other hand, I'm no spring chicken and, like in the song "The Quartermaster's Store" - my eyes are dim !! Similarly, my hands are more suited to 1:1 scale than these tiny things.
Furthermore, I am quite surprised at the price of stock. It's only half the size of "00" but almost the same price.
I'm absolutely undecided whether to just forget the idea or to once again enjoy 7 coach trains trundling round.
Watch this space - I'm about to look at prices of stock and the potential offered by just a corner of someone else's layout ……… I might even post a photo or two of what I've got - once it stops raining and I can get it out to take said photos …………….

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The BP tankers were £15, I won them on eBay ( I had put my maximum bid in at £30 because I needed them for my theme and they were worth £10 each to me but no one else bid on them)

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my hands are more suited to 1:1 scale than these tiny things.
I always argued that as a defence and reluctance to dabble in anything smaller than OO. I may be a few years younger but the fingers are still fat and clumsy and the eyesight needs a little correction at close quarters.
When I accepted the challenge to build a layout in Australia and bring it to the UK I was more or less restricted to N-gauge. And as I said at the time "I once swore I would never work this small; now I swear at working this small".
I would not have changed anything, in retrospect, and have come a long way in the smaller scales. As is generally known here I now have an in-build project using (mostly) N-gauge track but which can feature either of two very different scenes using 00-9 or N-scale buildings and rolling stock.
My suggestion to Petermac is to gently go ahead and try N-gauge. One does not know what one cannot achieve without first failing.

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Gwiwer said
One does not know what one cannot achieve without first failing.
From “Post #291,269”, 31st January 2025, 5:41 pm
Exactly my thoughts.
If you don't try it out, you'll never know.
(Bit like why I've started to learn to play the Ukulele 🤣)

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Well done Ed as so have I and it really is great fun. Mt friend Jano, a professional musician, got me started with weekly lessons for a few months. We had so many laughs and he constantly told me off for having my thumb too high up the neck, but it's such good fun and the ukeulele, being so small, is very accessible to play whenever you feel the need!
Have fun with yours Ed,
At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)

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Have you anything like it in France?

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It has stopped raining Graham but I haven't taken any photos yet - I'll try to do so this week …….

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look forward to seeing them, have you decided what to do with it yet.Petermac said
It has stopped raining Graham but I haven't taken any photos yet - I'll try to do so this week …….
From “Post #291,340”, 5th February 2025, 10:11 am

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It's by no means a layout but provides the bones should I decide to develop it.
An "odd" end which clearly doesn't connect to the other board ……………

Last edit: by Petermac

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In the meantime, here's the other board - measuring 4ft x 2ft.


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You can then add another picture as attachment2 which will be below your text.

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As for spacing multiple images I usually load mine on and from the phone. First use the full "Reply" button not the "Quick Reply" one. Then go to "Attachments" which appears just below the writing pane. Here you can select multiple images at the same time and it will load them for you. What I see is the that my text loses its format and appears as one paragraph running on into something called "tags". Those are instructions to the system between pairs of square [ brackets ] and with more than one image it will start by saying [ image set ].
Go carefully down through what looks like a lot of garbled junk - but is in reality the computer code to post your images - and locate the point at which one line ends [ \ attachment safe ] and the next line begins [ ] with "attachment safe" between the brackets. Place your cursor at the very start of the line - to the left of the [ which includes the text "attachment safe" - and hit "enter" twice. This creates a single-line space between images which is all we can have here. Repeat if necessary to separate subsequent images. A bit fussy but that's what we have and it's free at point of use. Image hosting can cost much more.
Good news. The formatting of the original text is preserved despite appeareances.
An alternative is to post the whole lot "as is" and then use the edit function placing the cursor to the right of each image in turn and "double-spacing" using the "enter" key twice. If I upload from the desktop that is what I have to do because I don't get the full code displayed as I do on the phone but rather an "OK" button when the images have uploaded which I need to click.
If you want to have a post with a text - image - text - image - text - image format you can do so. Type the first batch of text. Enter the image(s) required as above. Make sure the cursor is below the last image and enter more text then more image(s) and so on.
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