Going large - building large layouts


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TSQ canopy bracket detail (640x427).jpg TSQ station building from the back (640x427).jpg TSQ station masters office (640x480).jpg TSQ station Stores office (640x427).jpg Yarslow South signal box under construction (480x640).jpg Y1 class 68150 (640x427).jpg

Following the success of the above post, I will share a few more pictures with you

1.  Laser cut MDF girders, brackets, uprights and trusses that go to make up the canopy framework for Trinity Square.  The photo shows that superglued joints do break!
2.  The back of Trinity Square station building showing the rooms
3.  The Station Manager's office before the installation of his telephones
4.  The Stores office before the arrival of his telephone and typewriter
5.  Laser cut LNER signal box under construction to replace the old Airfix example at Yarslow South.  Luckily it fits in the gap I made!  The steps are actually the L&YR style but, hey, Rule 1.
6.  A total Xmas indulgence.  A Model Rail Sentinel via TMC.  I liked it and bought it, no other reason.  It will deal with the PW yard traffic at Yarslow.  When it arrived, the gears were not meshed (it was a used model) but TMC took it back and mended it.  3-4 day turnaround.  Excellent service, no quibble.  Not sure how it was not found out during their testing, but at least they stepped up with a fix.



Shed dweller, Softie Southerner and Meglomaniac
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A total Xmas indulgence.  A Model Rail Sentinel via TMC.  I liked it and bought it, no other reason.

A good move Barry. I secured a GWR version from Hattons, after a very long search. Tthe GWR purchased two of them, but one went back after trails on branch passenger services, as it couldn't pull the stock !

The gearing is brilliant for shunting, as it will crawl like a well mannered tortoise on DC and a small Zimo decoder should fit well enough fr DCC, but the crew will have to lose some body parts to gain the cab, opps!



At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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The Sentinal looks really good.

The interiors of the building must have taken you quite a while to do.

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