I think I am in love !


#205180 (In Topic #11273)
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I have recently seen a Hornby model of the LNER P2 and I think I am in love… well as much as you can be with a locomotive. There is something rather brutish about the P2 and yet it has those elegant lines that Gresley seemed to be able to build into his designs. Oh be still my beating heart!  Well I am on a mission.. I want one in N Scale and some of those Gresley corridor coaches to go with it, the trouble is I can't seem to find a drawing of either the loco or the coaches that I can use to build my model from. So like a damsel in distress I am hoping that there is a wonderful knight in shining armour who might be able to help me with drawings of my lovely locomotive.

Thank you,
Maid Robyn of Oxley
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Thanks for the link to the NRM, I have found a list of drawings that covers every piece of the locomotive but no GA drawings that would be suitable for modelling. I did find a website that shows a group who are building a real P2 and they have made a good start. It seems similar to the Tornado build.
A1SLT - Prince of Wales

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