RR&co and a switch


#77243 (In Topic #4328)
Guest user
Creating a switch to start a schedule in Train controller


I have spoken before about having a switch that my lads could use to start certain trains on the layout without touching a PC or the throttle. Now I have thought about various ways of doing this that are cost effective. I believe I have come up with a cheap way of doing this but would like some feedback.


Set up a phantom occupancy detector within TC and add an operation to start a schedule when the occupancy detector is activated. This will not be connected to the switchboard\track but would act as a button would. Now use an LDT S88 and assign an address for the occupancy detector the same as you would when setting up. Now instead of going to the track as you would normally do you go to a switch connected to an LED, so when you trip the switch the LED lights up. This would draw current from the S88 the same as a loco on the tracks would, this would then trigger the occupancy switch\button within TC and activate the schedule.


Would this work?
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Hi matt in theory it will, it depends on what current the LED draws and the sensitivity of the LDT S88 circuit pop a resistor in series with the LED and that will up the current typically 1K ohmn with a 5v LED. That should pull enough current cos your locos only draw mA's when they are moving.

Yes it will activate and make the LDT S88 react.

Get the kids one of the red mushroom emergency stop switches with NO contacts for the start button, with a warning siren in parallel they'll love it.




ECOS2 with RR&Co Traincontroller and a load of other electronics so i can sit back and watch the trains go by.
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