Stubby47's modellable buildings. ****


#96949 (In Topic #5154)
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Things I might make one day

All photos are mine, ©Stu Hilton, but are free for use.

This thread will contain pictures of buildings (or scenes) I quite like and may consider modelling at some point in the future.

I usually have more than one photo of each subject, so if there is anything you want to see more of, please ask. I also  have large (2Mb) versions of the photos as well.


So, first up, is an old wood and block building, in Tuckingmill, Camborne.

Next is an old stone structure in Charlestown, St. Austell.

This is an old hall in Camborne, marked at one point for demolition, but possibly now due for renovation.

Now we have a set of Harbour Offices, this one is from Mevagissy…

… this Harbour Office is from St Ives…

and this one is from Mousehole.

This building is now used as a residence and can be found behind the Launceston Steam Railway station building. I've used it as the basis for a Harbour office on Polbraze. (Can you spot a theme, here ?)

This is the entrance to the Custom house, in Falmouth.

Stubby47's Bespoke Model Buildings All photos I post are ©Stu Hilton, but are free for use by anyone.
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Some now from Truro.

The Old Ale House, once a ladies outfitters, soon to be a model of mine, if I can finish it…

A small shop with hanging tiles on the upper story.

Some impressive steps, Princes Street.

Another pub (not that I visit them, honest).

Stubby47's Bespoke Model Buildings All photos I post are ©Stu Hilton, but are free for use by anyone.
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This is one of the very many Tudor buildings in Stratford, and will form the next model to be added to Polbraze.

Interesting points to note are the many paned windows (should that be pained ?) and the right-hand end where there used to be a carriage entrance, hence the higher floor.

Stubby47's Bespoke Model Buildings All photos I post are ©Stu Hilton, but are free for use by anyone.
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A couple of shots from Penzance.

First, at the top of Market Jew Street, we see a small pub, a much larger shop, another small building with a passage way protected by a barred gate and again a larger building, this time clad in scafolding and netting.

Notice how the stonework is different for the first three buildings; dressed stone, ashlar with smoother highlights (but rendered side wall, except the chimney) and a more random stone with large squarer lintels.

Also items to note are the benches outside the pub and the street furniture.

Opposite the harbour, not far from the Ross swing bridge is this old Lifeboat house.

Stubby47's Bespoke Model Buildings All photos I post are ©Stu Hilton, but are free for use by anyone.
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