N Gauge - Marty�s Project � Pentrecourt Halt


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Another iconic layout that has inspired many modellers Marty. :thumbs

In passing, is your YMR "show module" back home with you or still languishing in deepest, darkest Cornwall ?

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It finally made it home Peter, I got Chris to load it up with Christmas presents for the little people of Newcastle Emlyn and ship it home… Well….it worked for me. :thumbs



N Gauge, GWR West Wales
Newcastle Emlyn Layout.
Newcastle Emlyn Station is "Under construction"
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That's good to hear Marty. :thumbs

I'll bet you had a great "Welcome Home" party. :cheers:cheers

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Hi Marty

A superb piece of work! :thud

But I see we have the same problem. Where the track goes through the the back/side scene we need to hide this. Now I have used an embankment on Provenmill and a series of arches will be used along the back of the layout on Glebe Street with half of a high level station at one end and a harbour wall with a canal scene alongside it at the other end. I am NOT an artist so I need to have a convincing end piece and I think that your river under the arch scene is great. Only, and please do not think that I am nit picking, I need help and sensible answers, your exit to the back of the layout as shown in the teaser for Pentrecourt Halt show a tunnel which seems to either turn through 90 degrees as soon as you enter it or else flies off over the trees on the opposite bank of the river.
Like I said, I'm still looking for a way to sort out the same type of problem so perhaps by annoying a master builder he might come up with an answer.



Because, except in some unfortunate circumstances, trains did not run on town centre streets
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G'day Jim,
Always happy to have constructive comments and discussions, especially as I just do what the little voices in my head tell me to do.
The voices are well know for getting things wrong too!
You are quite right, the end piece under the bridge was just a temporary view block that looked better than a shot of my messy workbench through the arch. In reality the river continues straight ahead into the distance and the railway parallels the river on an embankment on the right. 
 Like this… but I hadn't visited the site or taken the photo when I made the diorama.

The key to such things I believe is to search for the "right" photo to use as a backscene that blends perspective, believably into something that the brain will accept.As always, because the 2D print of a 3D scene has a fixed point of view, to achieve that perfect flow from model to backscene requires looking at it from that one point of view. The moment it's looked at from another point of view it doesn't look right and the illusion is broken.
Careful searching can get a scene that will look OKish when viewed offset a ways from the viewpoint but it's a tricky thing.

Creating a sense of perspective by overlaying a series of cut out 2D images, for example trees along a roadway, such that the road way diminishes towards a vanishing point in the distance and the trees get smaller as the distance increases can work too. 
3D decoupage if you like.Especially if, as happens in real life, the images colours are faded out with the haze of distance as distance increases. Once again, getting the "viewing point" right is tricky.

Another way is to have a mirror strategically placed to reflect the railway scene. This has, of course, a viewing point too. Get the view point wrong and it fails too.
The wonderful photos that we see in the glossy magazines or on the internet are wonderful because they have been taken from the correct view point. I'd be happy if I could find that "right" image and get the view point correct.
… and then, if you ARE an artist or have an artistic bent, you can have a go at painting something.

Was that the sort of thing you were after.
Anyone else want to chip in, please do so.


Last edit: by Marty

N Gauge, GWR West Wales
Newcastle Emlyn Layout.
Newcastle Emlyn Station is "Under construction"
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Hi Marty,
Exactly what I was looking for. With my particular problem I have decided on a Scalescenes Canal Bridge and set of locks at one end:-

Terrible picture , sorry:oops: but as you can see I can block off the passage with a narrowboat and get a distant backscene behind it.
The other end has a high level station on the viaduct and I was thinking about a mirror for that. I have an excellent plastic one which can be cut to size and shape and was intended as a replacement for a car door mirror.
The entire backscene is from a roll of greeny blue wallpaper so I can do away with joints and get a sky colour similar to an overcast day (well, it IS Glasgow).

As far as
I just do what the little voices in my head tell me to do.
goes my doctor says not to listen to them but if I get interviewed by unsympathetic men in blue uniforms and with pointy heads, then I must give them his name before I say anything.

Cheers Mate and have a tube of Toheys for me.


Because, except in some unfortunate circumstances, trains did not run on town centre streets
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