Tinkers End


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East Coast Main Line - in the sun

Unfortunately I don't have shares in DCC Concepts. With over 100 points on the layout SWMBO better not start adding up what I have spent so far or I will be in trouble. Although track, power supplies, PSX units, TrainController all cost quite a bit I still find it hard to get my head round the fact that some of my locos haven't really done any great distances yet as I am still building the layout, and some are already causing problems. It does seem to me that manufacturers are going all out for great looking models but at the expense of good running. I would willingly give up a bit of the very fine detail (which I seem to have a knack of catching and breaking anyway) for pickups to all wheels, a good quality motor etc. And one that is easily replaced once it has done a decent amount of mileage!

And while I am having a bit of rant - on behalf of all us non-UK based modellers, what gives with postage charges! Ok I know it costs more to ship overseas but if Hattons can do small stuff for £3ish and bigger stuff for say £7, why are some suppliers charging £12+ for equivalent size parcels to ship to Spain? Some of the suppliers who have recently quoted me big numbers for shipping even offer free shipping to a UK address, explain that one. Although adding quite a delay I have now taken to shipping to my brothers in the UK as he is happy to combine my parcels so I can then have one parcel picked up and shipped out to me.

Ok rant over, back to modelling. Must crack on with the laser cut terraced houses I made, they have sat in a half done state for too long.

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Hi Dave

It is a big investment but I suspect you will not regret it. With a layout of your size and complexity some form of electronic control is essential……and as I know….that costs. When completed you will find it adds a completely new dimension to the hobby ,

I do agree with you about the disparity between enhanced detail and deteriorating performance. I wonder what proportion of loco purchases goes to "collectors" and to what extent that influences the manufacturers approach.

In my latest post I mention 3 locos released in the last 3 years. Bachmann Collet (ROD tender) Oxford Dean Goods and Hornby's Large Prairie……….all required the addition of significant weight before being fit for purpose……two had more serious mechanical problems to resolve

Have you tried Hattons Trunk service? It had some teething problems but now works very well. Its convebient to build up a number of small items and decide when you want the shipped



Granby III
Lenz DCC,RR&Co Gold V10 A4 Windows 10
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I've previously said how angry it makes me when manufacturers expect their customers to do the testing for them.  Is it really too much to expect that a model locomotive looks the part, runs well and can pull more than the skin off a rice pudding ?  When one looks at the cost of these things, they really should be "fit for purpose".  I hadn't thought about the collectors John but surely, the vast majority of buyers are modellers and as such, I'm with Dave in that I'd willingly forego some of the super-detailing to get a model that actually works straight out of the box.

Postage charges are another of my pet hates Dave.  I recently tracked down a particular cheapie decoder to fit to one of my recent purchases prior to installing sound.  The decoder was £20 and the postage another £12.50 !!!  Needless to say, I didn't complete the purchase…………..!

I do think the postal system generally is fantastic - I can pop a letter in a box here in France and, a few days later it arrives at the correct address UK - all for just over £1.  Why then, does posting a single decoder work out at around 12 times as much ?  Have you tried buying anything on ebay UK recently for shipping to mainland Europe ?   :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Not tried Hattons trunk service yet John, although I have a couple of items in my shopping basket that may get put in there soon. Whilst they have suffient stock and I have a credit card bill to pay for the electronics I'll not place the order yet although any new purchases from tomorrow will go on my next bill.

I can only agree with you Peter in terms of, on the whole, how good the system is, both postal and courier, for moving stuff around the world. Not sure how it works in France, but we have the added complication of living in the coutryside here in Spain so have a post box in town. Unfortunately if the goods are being shipped by carrier rather than Royal Mail/Parcelforce I have to put the actually address and a phone number and be available to meet the courier somewhere as they can never find the house. It does mean I sometimes have to talk/message a supplier first to establish which method they use before I can place an order.
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The postage rip-off also applies to UK internal post. A couple of weeks ago, Royal Mail wanted £22.50p to send a parcel which was actually sent by carrier (Hermes) for less than £10 including insurance, and was delivered the next day!

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Ok so on to some work on the layout. I had bought the Hornby station with an office at each end but I think it is too small for a station on the east coast mainline. The layout is set in June 1962. So I have been having a look around and have come up with two HO models I like the look of and would welcome views on suitability. The station will be called Newark but it's nothing like the real location so is in name only. Firstly a shot of the area in which it will sit.

The white board is the size of the Faller Ohringen station.

Faller Oringen Station

Kibri Feldafing station - a little deeper and almost twice as long

Other suggestion most welcome. There won't be a platform on the side where the station building is located but and underpass to the main platforms (you can just see the steps on the main photo) and a footbridge.

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I think the Faller offering is more imposing Dave but I like the length of the Kibri one …………….. :hmm

No idea of the cost of either but, could you buy 2 Faller kits and kitbash one to create 2 single storey wings ?

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I like the height of the Faller model - gives the impression of a station and hotel…. but I think I prefer the length and detailing of the Kibri offering and it may sit in the surroundings a little better.
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Further studying has suggested Michael may well be right in the the Faller one may be slightly too "Continental" whereas the Kibri one could pass as a UK building - but you really would have to get rid of the shutters - they are a definite no-no for an ECML station !!!

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Thanks both for the input. Hadn't really noticed the shutters. The wall sections between the outer two office sections could also be shortened a little if need be. I'll now need to look for a) is it currenty available and b) do I have to get it passed by the finance officer. "Just think dear, I will be out of your hair for a while and it helps forget about the Covid restrictions". Need to look for the silver lining in every cloud.

Talking of which, went down to the coast last week as unfortunately a guy had passed away and his widow just wanted all the railway stuff out of the way as soon as possible. Three of us from the club went along and although for me it wasn't very worthwhile, as most of the stuff was modern image, I did say I would take a few pieces. So when I next head down that way I have a class 20, and railbus and a badly melted class 105 DMU to collect - and hand over some money. Luckily the leader of the railway club down there has collected everything and has kindly tested the class 20 and railbus on DC and says they both run nicely. The 105 will probably just be for spares although I do have one spare bodyshell so if another comes available on ebay it could end up being put back in to service.

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[user=6]Petermac[/user] wrote:
Further studying has suggested Michael may well be right in the the Faller one may be slightly too "Continental" whereas the Kibri one could pass as a UK building - but you really would have to get rid of the shutters - they are a definite no-no for an ECML station !!!
Hi Dave

Other than the right shade of green for a loco, its very rare that I disagree with Petermac. However on this occasion I have to say I think it will be very difficult to disguise the continental origins of the Kibri building.

It may be possible to bash two Faller units into an acceptable building. I was thinking of halving the second building and removing a floor to create a wing on either side of the main bulding. Wills type awnings and akk the usual paraphinalia would make very effective disguises.

Have you considered Scalescenes……lots of opportunities for kit bashing combining the large and medium station buildings

Best wishes


Granby III
Lenz DCC,RR&Co Gold V10 A4 Windows 10
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[user=434]John Dew[/user] wrote:
Hi Dave

Other than the right shade of green for a loco, its very rare that I disagree with Petermac. However on this occasion ………………………………………………………………………….

 :mutley :mutley :mutley

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Thanks for the input guys. After the first few I was checking prices and found that a local(ish) model shop had one Kibri Feldafing station left at a very good price compared to any other I saw and I just had to order it. I'll just have to see what can be done when it arrives or it may end up on my growing pile of things to take back to the UK to sell them when I next get the opportunity.

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    Hi Dave,
  I've today read Tinkers End thread from beginning to end with mounting admiration for your commitment and ability to single handidly achieve such an enormous amount of work in a relatively short period of time and with climatic restrictions even hotter than here in the Loire.
  I admire your electrical and electronics ability, something which I have to tackle in due course. Your bridges are a joy and your laser cutter is serving you well.
  I’m following your continued modelling with interest and hope that the much delayed local model railway club visit may happen once the madness eventually subsides.
  Viva Tinkers End!

Last edit: by Longchap

At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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Thanks for the comments Bill. I have to admit there are times when things aren't going so well, this forum is a real help in either getting advice or just new ideas from other layouts.

The usual happens in my case I am afraid, I get side tracked so easily. The number of areas I have "on the go" just grows. I bought a few bits from the UK recently, consolidated over a couple of months by my brother, then shipped out here to Spain. As part of the shipment there was some roofing tiles as a sampler.

I thought, hey that would make a nice roof and be great for making up bigger roofs so guess what, off I go to the laser cutter software and:

For the trial I have just used some grey paper the wife had for her art work which looks OK and once painted would be good but I may try and find a darker grey a grey with a hint of blue and ideally coated would be even better.

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That is cool. It’s similar to what Michael is using. It does seem pretty cool to make something from ‘nothing’!
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Good thinking Dave and that's exactly what I've been doing with some medium weight dark grey artist paper, but by hand for my engine shed. Much slower, but kind of therapeutic. A bit like ballasting, little and often gets the job done!


At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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Well been doing bits on the layout including designing my own footpaths for my laser cutter. I know there are various companies that do them but doing my own means I can do custom turns etc. Anyware more of that another time.

The main reason for this post is as a result of a trip down to the coast here in Spain yesterday. I had put an offer in on a few bits that had become available due to unfortunate circumstances. Not knowing the history and not really in the market for more locos I had but in an offer of € 30 each on a Heljan railbus and a Bachmann Class 20. Both are DCC ready and were in boxes and, when tested after purchase, both run well on DC so just need to be chipped. The class 20 has the wrong running number for the Eastern Region but the class was around. The third item is a different matter entirely, a boxed class 105 DMU for € 10 - bargain I here you say, but look at the photos.

It was the only one in the guys collection that is damaged but how the heck does something get this bad. Well I have just started to take them apart. The motorised car shell (top pic) is obviously scrap but the chassis is straight so hopefully if the motor runs it may just need a new shell. The non-motorised car is another matter, I have managed to get the shell off but the chassis is slightly bent although better now the shell is off. I am hoping with a little heat I may be able to straighten it.

Now - do I need to alter the track plan to enable more storage space!
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You can never have too much storage space! :lol:

Granby III
Lenz DCC,RR&Co Gold V10 A4 Windows 10
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Well good news. Stripped down the somewhat damaged DMU and the motor chassis etc runs well and is absolutely fine. Even the light panel in the roof is ok. The non-motorised car had a slightly bent chassis due to the deformed shell but will a little weight and very gentle heat I have managed to get it straight again. Just need to find two replacement body shells now and I have another DMU for the fleet. I thought I had one shell "in stock" but when I eventually found it, it was a shell for a centre car of a class 108 DMU so no use (just need to add finding a centre car chassis to my list). There was nearly an option for a cut and splice as the 108 centre has the same layout as one of the 105 shells. It would have meant cutting off the cab and fitting it to the 108 centre but unfortuantely it is the cab end of both 105 shells that is most badly affected.
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