Newton Regis, it'll never be finished, hopefully!


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A GWR journey through the 1920s and 30s

I'm supposed to be going over mid February Bill - the first time in over 2 years but like you, I'm not holding my breath.  I can see the battle to reclaim costs looming !

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  Slow progress is of course better than no progress, but the fact is that January has so far been unseasonably cold, below freezing all day and well below at night. My temporary railway room needs the heating turned on an hour or two before being able to survive it. However, the bride found me yesterday, sat at the table in my full Nanook of the North outdoor gear, soldering small wires to point motors, when I’d not turned the heat on beforehand and she was far from amused!
This was the first time I’ve soldered such tiny wires and I’ve soldered eight of the little chaps to each of two point motors and the second one looks a little better, so I’m learning! However, I’ll not be hard wiring any decoders to locos any day soon!

I used Cat6 comms cable to connect the motors via an edge connector, to a local chock block, from where I’ll run a twin cable back to the control panel for power and three of the small wires up to the point for polarity control, switched from one of the integrated DPDT switches inside the motor.

The SMRS January exhibition at Eastleigh has been cancelled again this year, so my UK visit is postponed. It's been two years since my last visit, so there's a sizable stash of railway goodies waiting for me. I'll need to take my van!

Hope it’s warmer tomorrow!

Last edit: by Longchap

At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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Current temperatures have not been conducive to modelling Bill - particularly where fine wires are concerned….

Are you using the later version of the edge connectors ?  The earier ones which I used are just a tad too wide for the Tortoise panel and if they're not carefully centred, can cause problems with either failing to operate of even short circuits.

I think the later ones are a better fit but my word, aren't they expensive !

I'm planning to go to UK next month - again, the first time in over 2 years.  My plan is to take in the Doncaster exhibition on my way up north.  I've never been to that one before but a fantastic deal from SNCF Bordeaux to London tipped the balance for me.  I just hope it's not too crowded to enjoy.

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Hi Peter and yes, the edge connectors are the latest ones and yep, they were a tad more than I would normally expect, but I'm sure they can be sourced at a better price from an electrical retailer. However, they would make replacing a motor very much easier, should it come to pass.

I'm tentatively planning a UK visit in March, subject to the covid situation improving, but I'll be taking the van to bring some goodies back.

Good news with the SNCF deal and don't forget an empty suitcase for the exhibition goodies.



Last edit: by Longchap

At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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It sounds like you have the same problems in France as here in Spain - unseasonably (or is it unreasonably) cold. -6 on the way in to town yesterday.

Soldering small wires has got to be one of the most difficult things to do with out melting something or burning fingers. Like most things though, practice and some good equipment seem to help (so I am told). One of these days I might actually research it properly in terms of the best solder etc. In the mean time maybe I'll take another look at my friends N gauge track cleaner today, if I can get the model railway room to a reasonable temperature.

I am heading to the UK on the 31st and am just checking what is waiting and what else needs to be at my son's for collection. More Delux laser cut wood glue that's for sure. I couldn't resist the € 9.99 flights from Alicante and an empty bag in the hold on the way to the UK.

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  Hi Dave and good to hear from you.
I did take a few hits for the Newton Regis team when soldering, but convinced myself that the burning pain would stop in a few seconds. With the next board, I’ll clip a heat sink to the wire before touching the iron to it! (Note to self: find those heat sinks!)
Fortunately a tad warmer today, as the sun’s out and we have a positive temperature :cool: which the long haired grey kitten who recently moved into our open garage under the barn, seems to like. She will now jump onto your lap, purr and bury her head in your palm, having first licked it clean, but still runs away if you approach from any direction other than behind the kitchen door with food!
I hope your trip on the 31st goes well and that I can get over in March, as besides my shopping list for the model shops, I’ve two years’ worth of ebay parcels to collect from a good friend. I can’t remember what they all are, but they’ll certainly keep me busy for a while!

Last edit: by Longchap

At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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  A red letter day for point control a.k.a. “by Jove, I think he’s got it!”

Stately, yet steady progress today and as I strung feeds together between electronic bits and bobs, the like of which I’ll never understand their workings, it dawned on me that in just a few minutes, I could actually have everything from the point motors through to the toggle switches set out on the bench and ready to test. Wow, but probably scary if it doesn’t work!
With a “no going back” mindset, I carried out the final continuity checks between switch and point motor and received beeps for all systems go, so I plugged the power into the switch base to see green ready lights on the base and toggle switch and as soon as my finger hovered over the touch toggle, the Tortoise gently whirred and I let out my breath and smiled, thinking it may only be a small step for this man, but a giant leap for Newton Regis!

The above images show the corresponding actuator of the point motor and led lights on the touch toggle in their different positions for the changed routes and as the points on this baseboard are already installed and tested, I now just need to change the harness edge connectors over from the test motor to the installed units under the board and clip the wires neatly in place underneath, then insert a track plan into a picture frame as a control panel with the toggle switches taped in place behind it in the appropriate locations. Job done.
A happy day not quite over, as I plan the panel configuration and location, together with that for the DCC station and mains power interfaces under the board for track and accessory busses.  
Message to Mr Dew :  You said it wouldn’t be a problem John, thank you so much for your confidence and support.

Last edit: by Longchap

At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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Isn't it very satisfying when things work Bill.  :pathead

I'm intrigued by your "touch toggle" thingamyjig - have I missed something ?  What is it, who makes it and how do you operate it ?  Is it a "complete" system or an alternative accessory decoder ?

All my tortoi are controlled via simple switches but have LED route indicators wired in, my SEEPs are either simple switch operated or DCC via Lenz LS150 decoders and finally, I have around 15 points in another area operated by servo motors via a Megapoints system.

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  â€œI'm intrigued by your "touch toggle" thingamyjig - have I missed something ?”  Petermac
You probably missed some subtle clues earlier on Peter, but don’t worry, as I was saving it up for when it was able to be rolled out.
As it’s takes shape, I’ll give more details, but as a taster, the panel controls the route setting and has no moving parts and a flush glass easy clean finish with LED route indication. The panel has space for up to eight touch control switches and one of these will be for the branch starter signal.
The panel is completely separate from the DCC command system, so the handset is for programming and driving the trains. I like to keep things easy to understand and control.

Last edit: by Longchap

At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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  I got into a rhythm  with point motor wiring harnesses, setting up a production line and obtained considerably reduced production times due to repetition and familiarisation and before I knew it, I had all six needed on the workbench. I am also rather pleased with the increased proficiency of my soldering technique as well.
  Harnesses complete, I was keen to get back to more interesting things, so installed the control panel electronics to the baseboard, the wiring from the two point motors on that baseboard to it, then plugged in the corresponding touch toggles and finally the power feed and once again, everything worked with a satisfying slow change of the point blades and route LEDs. Phew, thank goodness for that. I now need to source a small picture frame and draw and fit a track plan to it, so I better find my artistic head for the next bit.

I even had time to fit the DDC hardware to the fascia panel, but will have to remove it again for painting sometime. The space between the blue power base and black NCE pluggy thing will be filled by the control panel with the route controls stuck on behind.
  Getting there.
  More soon,

At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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Hi Bill,

A little while since I'd checked in here and I was interested in what you've decided to do regarding additional turnouts given the continuing (conspicuous) absence of any new PECO product in the bullhead range.

Also are you keeping up with developments at over British Finescale? His decision to move away from cast frogs has slowed down his OO release schedule somewhat so I'm on hold for the rest of my needs. Hopefully these will become available in the coming months but some helpful feed back from John has convinced me to steer clear of using double slips so it's just the smaller format items I need now for U-H.


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I'm eagerly awaiting further details of this interesting method of control …….maybe I should read this thread again to see what I've missed …. :hmm

It looks exciting Bill.

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[user=2170]Colin W[/user] wrote:
Hi Bill,

A little while since I'd checked in here and I was interested in what you've decided to do regarding additional turnouts given the continuing (conspicuous) absence of any new PECO product in the bullhead range.

Also are you keeping up with developments at over British Finescale? His decision to move away from cast frogs has slowed down his OO release schedule somewhat so I'm on hold for the rest of my needs. Hopefully these will become available in the coming months but some helpful feed back from John has convinced me to steer clear of using double slips so it's just the smaller format items I need now for U-H.


 Hi Colin,
  I too am disappointed that Peco have not stepped up the production of their long announced remaining bullhead items, as with plenty other modellers, I would have ordered a load. I did take interest in the British Finescale product when first announced and read the thread on RMWeb at the time with a quick catch up recently. I was not tempted, as with the branch to build and with an abundance of kits in waiting, the mainline element of my railway can wait until the Peco product is available.

This is were I am and I still have a few turnouts for a temporary fiddle yard for the branch and having worked with the Peco bullhead track and points, I really want to continue with them so they fully match existing trackwork. They are also very easy for DCC use and look great.
  Have you run any locos and stock through a series of BF turnouts yet?

At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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[user=6]Petermac[/user] wrote:
I'm eagerly awaiting further details of this interesting method of control …….maybe I should read this thread again to see what I've missed …. :hmm

It looks exciting Bill.
 Hi Peter and yep, it is exciting and I will reveal all soon. In fact, I’m going shopping tomorrow for a suitable control panel for the points / signal / decoupling magnets so will get cracking again.
  Unfortunately, it was just too cold today to venture to the modelling room, so will fire up the gite heating and get cracking again over the weekend.
  Hang in there,

At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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Hi Bill,

Things are moving slowly here and my focus had been on getting the traverser functional. Meanwhile my plans for turnouts have been thrown a curve ball or two, not the least when Australia Post crushed a critical delivery of all my point control CDU electronics. I need to write this all up over in U-H but fighting the various "fires" and a track redesign have taken up my time.

Besides it's a tad hot here, opposite issue to yours. Long hot days and necessary outside work when there's virtually been no rain, last evening's 12mm was the first substantial fall in nearly 2 months. Takes the mind off important stuff!


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[user=1814]Longchap[/user] wrote:
Unfortunately, it was just too cold today to venture to the modelling room, so will fire up the gite heating and get cracking again over the weekend.
 So what happened next? Well I fitted the last four point motors to the second board in no time at all on Sunday and then crashed big time, hit by a bad tempered lurgy, spaced out all week, in bed, no appetite, but finally managed a one egg omelette last night followed by a glorious five hour sleep, so I’m getting over whatever it was. Not covid, as I a took test yesterday and have been drinking much water, realising I was dehydrated.
  Feeling pretty pissed having lost a whole week, as the panel has been in touching distance of completion. I’ll probably need to negotiate the issue of a pass to get back into the railway room, maybe Monday, if I'm good over the weekend.
  Stay safe, be happy everyone,
  PS. Almost forgot, I was mightily cheered up last night when I read Dapol’s announcement of OO, RTR, GWR toplight coaches
PPS. I reckon Peco will have put a large number of layout projects on hold Colin, so thank goodness for distractions!

At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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[user=1814]Longchap[/user] wrote:
PPS. I reckon Peco will have put a large number of layout projects on hold Colin, so thank goodness for distractions!

Hi Bill,

Well, PECO sure shot themselves in the foot regarding my custom as I'm getting all British Finescale turnouts. I already have the majority in hand and a fine product they have proved to be.

I'm finalising plans for the Goods sidings before ordering the rest. Good job about the short delay in the smaller format BF releases; the initial ideas for my yards were unduly optimistic as I'd not left enough space for infrastructure and several iterations to the track positioning have since been made.
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[user=1814]Longchap[/user] wrote:
[user=1814]Longchap[/user] wrote:
Unfortunately, it was just too cold today to venture to the modelling room, so will fire up the gite heating and get cracking again over the weekend.
So what happened next? Well I fitted the last four point motors to the second board in no time at all on Sunday and then crashed big time, hit by a bad tempered lurgy, spaced out all week, in bed, no appetite, but finally managed a one egg omelette last night followed by a glorious five hour sleep, so I’m getting over whatever it was. Not covid, as I a took test yesterday and have been drinking much water, realising I was dehydrated.
Feeling pretty pissed having lost a whole week, as the panel has been in touching distance of completion. I’ll probably need to negotiate the issue of a pass to get back into the railway room, maybe Monday, if I'm good over the weekend.
Stay safe, be happy everyone,
PS. Almost forgot, I was mightily cheered up last night when I read Dapol’s announcement of OO, RTR, GWR toplight coaches

PPS. I reckon Peco will have put a large number of layout projects on hold Colin, so thank goodness for distractions!

Hi Bill

Sorry you have been under the weather- hope you are now fully recovered and the panel is fully hooked up.

I am quite intrigued by the panel. I know one button controls the branch starter. Do the other 7 control a specific turnout (or turnouts in the case of loop/xover) like a conventional panel or do they set up a route involving a number of turnouts?

I share your excitement about Dapols coach announcement particularly the reference to a forthcoming corridor Toplight release. The actual release announced is, of course, for non corridor Toplights They look as though they are highly detailed models and, in comparison with current coach prices elsewhere, well priced. My dilemma, and possibly yours, is where do they fit into the layout. Most of their working life was confined to London..never further west than Reading….and always in 6 car sets. After WWII I believe some 3 car set were made up for use as Miners trains in South Wales. I am wrestling, yet again, with realism and Rule 1! I suspect  a 3 car set would make an attractive alternative to a B Set……at 48' each coach is only 7 1/2" long. What are your thoughts?

I have had a bit of a sabbatical in January but I hope to get a post ready next week…….hope you like it  :)

Best Wishes

Granby III
Lenz DCC,RR&Co Gold V10 A4 Windows 10
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  Hi John and many thanks for your timely good wishes, as I had a relapse, but am seeing the doctor this week, who will doubtless send me for tests. It will be interesting to see if our diagnosis is close.
Unfortunately, I’ve not been near the railway room in over a week, but am hopeful of being able to post an update soon with a simple explanation and details of the gear I’ve used.
I bought a 24x18cm picture frame at 4,99€ for the panel and have printed off a simple track plan to go in it and with all point motors now installed, it should be an easy task to hook it all up. Perhaps a little messing about changing point motor polarity feeds round to suit orientation of some turnouts, but at least no more soldering!
Toplights, wow. There we’ve been, all these years wishing for Toplight coaching stock on RMWeb polls, then Dapol announce out of the blue their release of highly detailed 48’ stock only ever used between London to as far west as Reading! Perhaps they were looking to provide some matching stock for London large Prairie hauled services. Interesting coaches though, as you said rather short and I believe lower than most in order to travel on Metroploitan lines. Totally irrelevant for most Western layouts, yet I suspect they will find their way onto many.
Now the 70’ corridor stock is quite another thing, as they were found pretty much everywhere and I’m sure they’ll do so again in 4mm format! I think it might even be prudent place pre-orders promptly to safeguard their appearance on a layout near you.
Time for my nap now and I'm looking forward to you post next week John.

Last edit: by Longchap

At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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Been seriously zoned out, but gradually refocusing and completing a string of medical tests. To add insult to injury, our sewage pumping station has failed, so we can't use toilets or waste water services in the barn, so the holiday cottage on the 'old system' is a lifesaver. New pump ordered from Germany, but not sure when I'll be fit enough to fix it.
  Character forming? Definitely!
  Be well,

At 6'4'', Bill is a tall chap, then again, when horizontal he is rather long and people often used to trip over him! . . . and so a nickname was born :)
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